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File No. S370-34

Systems OS /VS1 Planning and Use Guide

VS1 Release 2

This publication has two objectives. The Planning por- Appendix A contains a brief theory of operation of
tion provides guidance in selecting, planning for, and/ the system. A glossary of VSl terms is also provided.
or evaluating OS/VSl (virtual storage). The Use portion The reader of the Planning portion should be famil-
provides guidance in using some of the features or iar with the IBM System/370 System Summary, GA22-
functions of the system. The Planning portion is for use 7001. The Introduction to Virtual Storage in System/
by installation personnel who are familiar with IBM 370, GR20-4260 will also be helpful, as will the OS/VS
System/360 and who are considering the installation of Virtual Storage Access ~[ethod Planning Guide, GC26-
an IBM System/370. The Use portion is directed to 3799. For a complete list of available publications, see
system programmers who maintain and/ or extend the the IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography,
system. GA22-6822.
The Planning portion contains two sections: C on- The Use portion of the Guide contains information
cepts and Considerations. The Concepts section briefly on implementing and/ or extending some of the func-
describes the functions, features, and device support tions of the system. Each section in the Use portion is
provided by VSl. It also describes the operating princi- self-contained and deals with a separate capability or
ples of the system. The Considerations section contains function of the control program.
suggestions concerning selection of various options of The reader of the Use portion is assumed to have
the control program and suggestions concerning oper- the prerequisite background in programming and sys-
ations in various modes (batch, teleprocessing, and tem maintenance required to implement the proce-
graphics). dures contained in the Guide.

Second Edition (January 1973)

This edition applies to Release 2 of OS/VS1 and to all subsequent releases until
otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Any references that
are made to OS/VS2 appear for planning purposes only. Changes are continually
made to the information contained herein; before using this publication in con-
nection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the IBM System/360 and
Systeml370 Bibliography, GA22-6822, and the current SRL Newsletter for the
editions that are applicable and current.

Information on the Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) and the Dynamic
Support System (DSS) is included for planning purposes only until they are avail-
able. Consult your IBM Branch Office concerning the availability dates.

Level II of TCAM will not run under Release 2 of VSl. The TCAM information
in this book is included for planning purposes until the availability of TCAM
Level IV.

Summary of Amendments
For a detailed list of changes made in this edition, see page 3.

Changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line
to the left of the change.

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representa-
tive or to the IBM branch office serving your locality.

A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the
form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Programming Pub-
lications, Dept. G60, P.O. Box 6, Endicott, New York 13760. Comments become
the property of IBM.