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File Number GENL-22
Form C24-3259-3

System!:; Reference Library

Autocoder (on Disk)
Program Specifications and Operating Procedures
IBt" 140'1, 1440, and 1460
Program Number 1401-AU-00B

This reference publication contains the program speci-
fications and operating procedures for the Autocoder
(on Disk) Programming System.
The specifications describe the two programs, Sys-
tem Control and Autocoder Assembler, that make up
the Autocoder System. Logical files defined and used
by the System, control cards, and results of processing
operations are also included.
The operating procedures is divided into two sec-
tions. The first section describes assembling and exe-
cuting object programs, changing logical-file assign-
ments, maintaining an Autocoder library, and revising
an object program. The second section describes build-
ing and updating an Autocoder System.
A summary of control card formats, phase descrip-
tions, and a listing of a sample program make up the
appendix of this publication.
For a list of other publications and abstracts, see the
IBM Bibliography for the associated data processing

This publication contains the program specifications jobs. The last part of the section outlines the proce-
and operating procedures for the Autocoder (on disk) dures to follow in building an Autocoder System. For
programming system for IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460. In the convenience of both programmer and machine op-
this publication, the term Autocoder System or System erator, all control cards are summarized in Appendix 1.
refers to 1401/1440/1460 Autocoder (on Disk), program Although the second section is directed primarily to
number 1401-AU-008. The language specifications for the machine operator, it is recommended that the pro-
the Autocoder System are contained in the Systems grammer review the content of the complete section.
Reference Library publication Autocoder (on Disk) The programmer should particularly note the parts of
Language Specifications for IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460, the section dealing with preparing processor jobs and
Form C24-3258. changing file assignments.
This publication is divided into two major sections:
Related Information
program specifications and operating procedures. The
program specifications describe the Autocoder System. The following Systems Reference Library publications
Included in the section are such topics as a description contain additional information relating to the use of
of the System Control Program (the controlling element the Autocoder System. It is recommended that these
of the Autocoder System), a description of the proces- publications be available to the user for reference.
sors in the Autocoder Assembler program, and a de- Autocoder (on Disk) Language Specifications for
tailed description of the results of System operations. IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460, Form C24-3258.
Although this section is directed primarily toward the Disk Utility Programs Specifications for IBM 140.1,
programmer, the machine operator should review the 1440, and 1460 (with 1301 and 1311), Form C24-1484.
section for an understanding of the System. Disk Utility Programs Operating Procedures for IB1Vl
The second section, operating procedures, contains 1401 and 1460 (with 1301 and 1311), Form C24-3105, or
such topics as preparing processor jobs, changing file Disk Utility Programs Operating Procedures for IB1Vl
assignments for processor jobs, and running processor 1440 (with 1301 and 1311), Form C24-3121.

Fourth Edition

This is a reprint of C24-3259-2 incorporating changes released in
the following Technical Newsletter:

Form No. Pages Affected

N21-5004 Contents, 7, 8, 8A, 11, April 4, 1966
12, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 43,
49, 50, 51, 52, 64

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office
serving your locality.

A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's comments. If the form has been removed, comments
may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Programming Publications, Dept. 425, Rochester, Minn. 55901.

Program Specifications....................................................... 5 Preparing Library Jobs ............................................................ 28
Definition of Key Terms ...................................................... 5 Capacity of a LIBRARY File .............................................. 29
Machine Requirements .. ........ ...... ..... ..... ...... ........ ..... ....... .... 6 Library Build ........... ....... ...................................................... 29
Library Listing ...................................................................... 30
Library Change .................................................................... 30
The Autocoder System ........................................................ . 6
Systems Control Program ......................................................... . 6 Performing Jobs .................................................................... 31
Logical Files ............................................................................. . 6 Preparing a Stack ...................................................................... 32
Residence File ..................................................................... . 7 Running a Stack .. ............ .............. ........ ............. ............. ........... 32
Operation Files .................................................................... .. 7 Loaded Object Programs .............. ...... ................ ................ ..... 32
Internal Files ...................................................................... .. 7 Halts and Messages .............. ....... ................. ............ ................. 34
Control Cards ........................................................................... . 7
RUN Card ............................................................................ .. 7
ASG N C:arcls ........................................................................ .. 8 Using and Maintaining the Object Program ................ 40
INIT Carel ........................................................................... . 8 Methods of Execution .............................................................. 40
UPDAT Card ...................................................................... .. 8 Load-and-Go .......................................................................... 40
NOTE (~ard ......................................................................... . 8 Delayed Execution .. ........ ................. ..... ................................ 40
PAUSE Card ...................................................................... .. 8 Condensed-Loader Considerations .......................................... 41
lIAL T (~arcl ......................................................................... . 9 IEM 1440 .............................................................................. 41
Autocoder Assembler Program ................................................ 9 IBM 1401 or 1460 .................................................................. 42
Preprocessor .................................. ............................................ 9 Revising the Object Program .................................................. 42
Autocoder Processor ................................................................... 9 Condensed-Loader Format .................................................. 42
Output Processor .................... ..... ...... ....... ....... ... .... ............ ....... 9 Self-Loading Format ............................................................ 42
Execution Processor ................................................................... 10
Build;ng, Updating, and iCopying an
Autocoder System .. ................. ............ .................................. 43
Resultr of Processing Operations ..................................... 10
Autocoder-System Deck Description and Preparation .......... 43
Documentation ........................................................................ 10 Marking Program ................ ..................... .......... ................... 43
Control Card Diagnostics .................................................... 10 Write File-Protected Addresses ............................................ 45
Source Statement Diagnostics ... ....... ...... ..... ... ........... ..... ...... 10 System Control Card Build .................................................. 45
Label Table .......................................................................... 10 Card Boot .............................................................................. 45
Cross-Reference Listing ...................................................... 11 Autocoder Update .................... ........ .................................... 45
Program Listing .................................................................... 12 Sample Program .................................................................... 45
Autocoder Text ........................................................................ 13 Building an Autocoder System ........ ............ .................. .......... 45
Object Programs ........................................................................ 13 Write File-Protected Addresses ............................................ 46
Card Formats . ............................... .................. ..... ................. 13 System Control Card Build .................................................. 47
Coreload Format .................................................................... 15 Autocoder Update ................................................................ 48
Messages ..................................................................................... 15 Sample Program .................................................................... 48
Resequenced Source Deck ...... .............. ..................... ............. 15
Updating an Autocoder System ....................................... 49
Operating Procedures ................. ........................................ 16
Jobs ............................................................................................ 16 Copying an Autocoder System ..................................... 49
Preparing Processor Jobs .......................................................... 16
Conventional Assernbly ........................................................ 16 Appendix I-Control Card Formats ................................. 50
Load-and-Go ........ ....... ..... .................... .................... .............. 18
Delayed Execution ................................................................ 19
Appendix II-Phase Descriptions ..................................... 53
Partial Processing .................................................................. 20
Changing File Assignments ...................................................... 22
Preparing ASGN Cards ...... ...... ............... ........ ...... ............... 24 Appendix III-Sample Program ....................................... 59
Using ASGN Cards .............................................................. 27
Batehed Files .... ............ ............ ........................ ........... .......... .... 27 Index ......................................................................................... 64
Program Specifications

The Autocoder Assembler Program is one part of a lan- in this area in disk storage are supplied to the user
guage processing system that is under control of the by the Autocoder System, the user has immediate ac-
System Control Program. (A second language proces- cess to anyone of the stored object programs. Using
sor, COBOL, is also controlled by the System Control an object-program library substantially reduces pro-
Program.) gram load time (as opposed to loading from cards)
The Autocoder System translates source program and eliminates excessive handling of punched-card
statements written in the Autocoder language into ma- object decks.
chine-language instructions. In addition to this trans- Executing Punched-Card Obiect Programs. If a pro-
lating function, the Autocoder System provides these gram is infrequently used, the user may wish to
additional features: maintain a punched-card object program, thus sav-
Autocoder LibrafY Compression. The statements that ing disk storage for other purposes. When this is the
make up the library routines are compressed and case, the user has two options for executing this ob-
stored as variable length records. This Autocoder ject program. It can be executed either under con-
capability ensures the efficient use of disk storage. trol of the Autocoder System (as a job in a stack of
jobs), or it can be executed completely independent
Relocating the Autocoder ,Library. The user is pro- of the System.
vided with expansion capabilities of the Autocoder
library previously not possible with an Autocoder
processor. Further, should the user wish, he can relo- Definition of Key Terms
cate the Autocoder library to an area of his choice in To clarify the meaning of special terms used in this
disk storage. publication, the following definitions are given. Stand-
ard terms are defined in Glossary for Information Proc-
BUilding Multiple Autocoder Libraries. In addition to essing, Form C20-8089.
being able to relocate the Autocoder library, the user
can also build more than one Autocoder library. Assembler. The program that translates Autocoder
Small libraries that contain selected routines appro- symbolic statements into actual machine language.
priate to particular types of job processing signifi- This process is called an assembly.
cantly reduce library-change time. Autocoder Text. A series of lOO-character records con-
Changing Input/Output Devices. The Autocoder Sys- taining the source-program statement, or a generated
tem provides the user with the option of changing statement, and assembly information.
the form of input to and output from specific jobs. Batched Files. Logical files whose contents represent
So that the Autocoder System can operate at a ma- one or more sequential sets of input to or output
chine-independent level, a set of logical files that are from the Autocoder System.
used for input/output operations has been defined.
Although these logical files are assumed by the Sys- Bootback. A routine located in upper core storage dur-
tem Control Program to be assigned to a defined set ing execution that provides linkage between the
of input/output devices, the user can change these user's object program and the System Control Pro-
assumptions according to his particular needs. gram. This linkage is required when executing an ob-
ject program in a stack of jobs.
Stacking of Jobs. Under control of the System Control
Program, it is possible to process a series of jobs with