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File No. 51-03

IBM Series/1
4979 Display Station




Second Edition (March 1977)

This is a major revision of, and obsoletes GA34-0026-0. Significant changes in this new edition
Restructuring of certain status words
Changing the format of data flow information

Changes are periodically made to the information herein; any such changes will be reported in
subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters. Before using this publication in connection with
the operation of IBM systems, have your IBM representative confirm editions that are applicable
and current.

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or the IBM
branch office serving your locality.

A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been
removed, send your comments to IBM Corporation, Systems Publications, Department 27T,
P.O. Box 1328, Boca Raton, Florida 33432. Comments become the property of IBM.