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File No. S370-31

OS/VS Linkage Editor
Systems and Loader

VS1 Release 3
VS2 Release 2
Fourth Edition (May 1975)
This edition is a reprint of GC26-3813-2 incorporating changes released
in Technical Newsletters GN26-0774 (dated December 5, 1973) and GN26-0779
(dated June 30, 1974). GC26-3813-2 was a major revision and made
GC26-3813-1 obsolete.

This edition applies both to Release 3 of as/VS1 and to Release 2 of
as/VS2, and to all subsequent releases of either system unless otherwise
indicated in new editions or technical newsletters.

Information in this publication is subject to significant change. Any
such change:s will be published in new edi tions or technical newsletters.
Before using the publication, consult the latest IBM System/360 and
System/370 Bibliograp~, GA22-6822, and the technical newsletters that
amend the bibliography, to learn which editions and technical news-
letters are applicable and current.

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@ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1972, 1973
This publication provides applications The lQ~~~~ program combines the basic
programmers with the information necessary editing and loading funct~ons of the
to use the OS/VS Linkage Editor and Loader linkage editor and program fetch in one job
to prepare the output of a language step. It is designed for aigh-performance
translator for execution. Additional loading of modules that do not require the
information on the operation and use of special processing facilities of the
the linkage editor and loader is directed linkage editor and fetch, such as overlay.
to the system programmer responsible for The loader does not produce load modules
installing and maintaining the operating for program libraries.
Part 2 of this publication describes the
The Introduction briefly defines the loader. The introduction to this part
functions of the linkage editor and loader describes the functional characteristics of
and gives recommendations for the use of the loader, along with its compatibility
each. Part 1 describes the linkage editor, with the linkage editor and restrictions on
and should be read before Part 2, which its use. The chapter on using the loader
describes the loader. describes the job control language
statements and invocation procedures for
The liQ~~~editor combines and edits the loader, as well as loader input and
modules to produce a single module that output, and user program data. The
can be brought into storage by program appendixes to Part 2 contain sample input,
fetch for execution. It operates as a a description of loader return codes, and
processing program rather than as part of storage considerations. All of these items
the control program. The linkage editor are discussed in relation to the capabilities
provides several processing facilities that of the linkage editor; therefore, the
are either performed automatically or reader must be familiar with Part I of this
invoked in response to control statements publication.
prepared by the programmer.
The diagnostic messages issued by both
Part 1, which consists of six chapters the linkage editor and the loader program
and three appendixes, briefly describes the are described in OS/VS Message Library:
processing facilities and operation of the Linkage Editor and Loader Messages, GC38-1007.
linkage editor. The introduction also The description of each message includes an
defines linkage editor terms in reference explanation,a system action, and a problem
to the source language statements that determination action to be taken.
cause them to be created.

The six chapters describe the input to TIME SHARING OPTION (TSO)
the linkage editor, the output from the
linkage editor, module editing functions,
design and specification of overlay The following publication is needed to use
programs, the job control language the linkage editor or loader under the Time
necessary to run a linkage editor job step, Sharing Option (TSO):
and the linkage editor control statements.
The last two chapters are summaries of OS/VS2 TSO Terminal User's Guide,
reference information to be used after the GC28-0645
general information in the first four
chapters is learned. The appendixes to This manual contains procedures for
Part I contain sample programs, a invoking the linkage editor or loader from
description of the linkage editor programs, the terminal and gives a brief description
and information on the invocation of the of the options that can be specified under
linkage editor. TSO.

Further information on TSO can be found OS/VS1 Supervisor Services and Macro
in the following two manuals: Instructions, GC24-51OJ

OS/VS2 System Programming Library: OS/VS2 Supervisor Services and Macro
Job Management, Supervisor and TSO, Instructions, GC28-0683
OS/VS1 System Data Areas, SY28-0605
OS/VS2 TSO Command Lan.guage Reference,
GC28-0646 OS/VS2 Data Areas, SYB8-0606
OS/VS 1 srstem Gen(3ration Reference,
Within the text, references are made to GC26-379
the following publications:
OS/VS2 System Pro~ing Librar