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Systems ,OS/VS Assembler logic

Release 1
First Edition (July, 1972)

This edition applies to release 1 of as/vs 1 and to all sub-
sequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or
Technical Newsletters. Changes are continually made to the
specifications herein; before using' this publication in
connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the IBM
System/360 and System/370 Bibliography (GA22-6822) and the--
current SRL Newsletter for the editions that are applicable
and current.

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A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's
comments. If th~ form has been removed, comments may be addressed
to IBM Nordic Laboratory, Publications Development, Box 962,
S-18l 09 Lidingo, Sweden. Comments become the property of IBM.

CCopyrightlnternationa1 Business Machines Corporation 1972


This program logic manual is written for customer engineers and
programmers maintaining the OS/VS Assembler. The manual describes the
structure, logic, and operation of the assembler.

This manual was written with the assumption that the reader has: