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'Virtual Machine/
System Product
High Performance Option
Library Guide, Glossary,
and Master Index

Release 3.6

GC23-0187 -0
The term "VM/SP High Performance Option" applies to
VM/SP High Performance Option Program Product when used
in conjunction with the VM/System Product Program Product.

First Edition (July 1985)
This edition, GC23-0187-O, applies to Release 3.6 of the IBM Virtual
Machine/System Product High Performance Option (5664-173) and to all
subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical

Changes are made periodically to the information herein; before using this
publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest
IBM System/B70 and 4BOO Processors Bibliography, GC20-0001, for the editions that
are applicable and current.

References in this. publication to IBM products, programs or services do not imply
that IBM intends to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates.
Any reference to an IBM program product in this publication is not intended to
state or imply that only IBM's program product may be used. Any functionally
equivalent program may be used instead.

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publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch
office serving your locality.

A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the
form has been removed, comments may be addressed to International Business
Machines Corporation, Department 52Q, Neighborhood Rd., Kingston. NY U.S.A.
12401. IBM may use or distribute whatever information you supply in any way it
believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

C Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1985

The VM/SP High Performance Option Library
The VM/System Product High Performance Option library provides
information about VM/SP High Performance Option (VM/SP HPO) when
used with the VM/System Product (VM/SP). To obtain the entire VM/SP
HPO library, combine the applicable VM/SP books with the VM/SP HPO

Since VM/SP HPO does not change the CMS component of VM, refer to the
appropriate VM/SP publication for information about CMS function ..
However, because VM/SP HPO enhances the CP component of VM, you
must refer to the appropriate VM/SP HPO book for information about CP

Note: The VM/ SP HPO manuals do not attempt to separate VM/ SP Control
Program function from VM/ SP HPO Control Program function.
Rather, they build the new VM/SP HPO function on the VM/SP base.
To find out about specific CP functions in VM/SP, you must refer to
the appropriate VM/ SP publication.

This manual explains the organization of the VM/SP HPO library and
provides a master index to the contents of the library. It also provides a
glossary of VM/SP HPO terms.

Who this Book is For
The audience for this manual consists of anyone who uses manuals in the
VM/SP HPO library.

How this Book is Organized
"Chapter 1. The VMjSP HPO Library" describes how the library is
organized and which manual to read first. It explains the tasks, cover
design, and the relationships between the tasks and the colors of the covers.
It tells how to order the manuals and coordinating binders. It contains
abstracts of the manuals in the VMjSP HPO library, and describes
library-related services, such as the System Library Subscription Service

"Chapter 2. VMjSP HPO Glossary" defines terms used by VM/SP HPO that
may not appear in the IBM Vocabulary for Data Processing,
Telecommunications, and Office Systems, GC20-1699. The IBM Vocabulary
for Data Processing, Telecommunications, and Office Systems is considered a
corequisite publication.

Preface iii
"Chapter 3. Master Index" is a guide to the VM/SP HPO library. It directs
you to the publications that contain the specific information you are
seeking. The entries are extracted from the indexes of the VM/SP HPO
publications listed at the beginning of the chapter.

"Master Index Table" lists the abbreviations and order numbers for each of
the VM/SP HPO publications. This table is repeated on a foldout sheet at
the end of the manual.

How To Use This Publication
When using this publication, you should: