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File Number 1401-28
Form C24-1464-2

Systems Reference Library

FARGO for IBM 1401

FARGO (Fourteen-a-One Automatic Report Generating
Operation) is a report generator that requires no expert
knowledge of programming techniques. This manual explains
the writing of report specifications and the preparation of
FARGO control cards to produce the desired results. Reports
can be prepared on blank paper or preprinted report forms.
The method requires a minimum of 4,000 positions of core
storage and is applicable to card input files only.
For a list of associated publications and abstracts, see the
IBM 1401 and 1460 Bibliography, .A24-1495.
This publication is a reprint of Form C24-l464-0 incorporating changes
released in Technical Newsletter N24-0039. Although the fonnat has been
changed to conform to the Systems Reference Library, the original publica-
tion and applicable newsletter are not obsoleted. Principal changes in this
edition are:
Page 6-General Description
Paragraph regarding type of card codes.
Page l6-Program Halts
Paragraph regarding program halt with storage address 3547
Page 19-Converting No-Op Instruction
Change originally covered by Technical Newsletter N24-
Page 19-Coding the Patch Subroutines
Change originally covered by Technical Newsletter N24-
Page 48-Figure 24. Example of FARGO patching and linkage using
SPS. Originally covered by Technical Newsletter N24-0039.
Page 49-Figure 25. Method of identifying types of cards when a digit
is punched in one column and an X in another.