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System Development Division

To: W. Shultz Date: " April 21, 1978

From: W. C. Lynch Location: Palo Alto

Subject: Pilot Status Report Organization: SDO/SO/SS\V IPilot
for April '78

Archive document #: To be assigned by Ode Binkley
Filed on: [Iris] April? a.Status
Copies: Archives Belleville Bergsteinsson DeSantis Harslem Heinrich Irby
Kennedy Lampson LeCesne Liddle Lynch
Mendelson Metcalfe Reilly, D. Reiley, J. Shultz. Simonyi
Sorderegger Szelong Thacker Townsend Wallace Weaver Wick
Cc: Gifford Horsley Lauer McJones Purcell Redell

Staffing and Equipnlcnt
"The arrival and acceptance of DO is now a critical factor in the release of Pi/ot.

The release of Pilot 2.0 has been rescheduled for the end of August, 1978.

The rdease date for Pilot 2.0 has been slipped to August 30, 1978, with alpha test beginning
a month earlier. This date is predicated on the delivery of the first DO to son at the end
of April, the delivery of the interim disk controller at the end of April and the availability
of this equipment to Mesa group for debugging approximately two weeks after delivery and
to the Pilot group approximately one month after delivery. The release dale is in week-for-
\veek 51 i p wi th the arrival date for the DO. See "DO Conver:lion Plans", memo by \V. Shultz,
April 4J 1978 for more details.

Consideration will be" given in nlici-i\1ay to the release of an Alto Pilot 2.0 having
suhstantial commonality with Pilot 2.0 on the DO. \Ve arc currently planning /l0! to have a
2.0 release of Alto Pilot. However, severe changes in the availability of DOs would increase
the value of an Alto Pilot 2.0.

Pilot 'York Plan - 013

The Pilol Design Work Plan ([lris]Pilot\Vp.memo) has been revised and is
available on Iris. Events are moving fast enough that the workplall is suffering rapid
obsolescellce in task detail (but not in overall manpower levels). The symbols 011 the
subtilles refer to tasks planned in" that document.

Pilot Design Spec - D3

Version 1.1 (draft status) of the Pilot Design Specifications was produced on tvlarch I, 1978
and has remained static since that time.

Pilot Functional Spec - D2

The release date of the Pilot Functional Specifications 2.1 has slipped to the end of April.
Every effort will be made to ach ieve that date.

Revision of the Pilot Functional Specification is in full swing with Version 2.1 to be
released at the end of April. Hugh Lauer is continuing as editor. The sections on processes,
memory management, and file management are being refined, the sections on streams and
I/O are undergoing significant changes particularly in the client interface, and more"
information is being provided in many places where only placeholders existed in the 2.0

Alto/Pilot Uelease - D19

A final testing report has been received from Product Software.

" Pilot Testing - D11, D6
The Pilot Test Plan has been completed and was released at the end of February, 1978.
ivlany thanks to Toni Shetler's efforts.

Pilot Inlplelllentation
Pilot implementation is now our major activity and \vill continue to be our major activity
through June. The assignments below and the work plan should be consulted for details.

" Tom Horsley has completed the third round of file organization for the" implelnentation. ""

First cut coding is approximately 50% complete for the virtual memory management and
file systems and 100% con1plete for processes. \Vith the receipt of the alpha test release of
0.'lesa 4.0 we will not have to work around those missing vi tal features implelnented in Mesa

Coding and unit testing of the other sections (such as communications) can proceed
independently lIsing Alto/Pilot as the test bed.

Gifford: Phasing out to work on his PhD thesis.

Hors1ey: Complete the revisions to the Pilol Functional Specification 2.1 for which Pitts
Jarvis is responsible (i.e. IOCS, Disk Drivers). Organ ile the filing structure for holding our
variolls development documents and code in a way compatible with the Tools Librarian.
\Vork on the Pilot Ins/all facility. Consult on the construction and integration of Pilot
microcode. Maintain release 1.0 of Alto/Pilot.

Lauer: Ed it the Pi lot Fu /lC/ lalla I Specifiea / iOlls. Construct a prototype illl plclllen tatioil of
ByteStreams and 111 a ke i l operatlona I wi th ill A Ito Pi lot. Fclit the 015' J\l eSll FUllctional

Specifications. Edit the Pilot Concepts and Facilities.

Lynch: Revise the Pilot Development fVork Plan. ' Review the Pilot Design Specifications. '
Help with recruiting new personnel for '78. Work Plans. DO conversion plans. Pilot
Functional Specifications.

McJoncs: Implement the swapper and the virtual memory manager for Pilot 2.0.

Purcell: Aid Redell in the implementation of the file. page transfer and file manager
modules for Pilot.2.0. Implement the frame allocation modules with in the Low-l eve/ 1~1 esa.
support faeil ities for Pilot 2.0. 'York on Pogo in the background.
Redell: Lead the implementation of the file page transfer and file manager modules for
Pilot 2.0. Work with the Mesa group to produce the required process structure
documentation for the upcoming release of Mesa 4.0. Implement the Low-level Al esa
support facilities for Pilot 2.0.