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Part Number 800-1109-01
Revision: H of 12 March 1984
For: Sun System Release 1.1

System Manager's Manual

for the

Sun Workstation - Models 100U/150U

Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
2550 Garcia,Avenue,
Mountain View,
California 94043
(415) 960-1300
This manual supersedes the U.er'. Guide lor the Sun Work-dation dated 15th October 1982.
The prior User's Guide was specific to Sun Workstations running the Version 7 UNIXt system.

Credits and Trademarks
Multibus is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
Sun Workstation, Sun-I, and Sun-2 are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Incorporated.
UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories.

The tutorials in the final section of this manual were originally derived from the work of various
people associated with various institutions. Their name$ and the titles of the original works are:
Building Sun Work.tation Kernel.
was originally written by Samuel J. Lemer, formerly of the Computer Systems Research
Group, University of California at Berkeley.
F.ck - The UNIX File SII"em Check Program
was originally written by T. J. Kowalski, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; and
was revised by Marshall Kirk McKusick, Computer Systems Research Group, University of
California at Berkeley.
SENDMAIL- An Internetwork Mai' Router
was originally written by Eric Allman, formerly of Project Ingres, University of California at
SENDMAIL - In"allation and Operation Guide
was originally written by Eric Allman, formerly of Project Ingres, University of California at
Uucp Implementdtion De.c"ption
was originally written by D. A. Nowitz, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey.
USENET In.tdllation and Maintenance
was originally written by Matt Glickman, Computer Science Division, Department of Electr-
ical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California at Berkeley, and revised
by Mark Horton.
Line Printer Spooler ManfJai
was originally written by Ralph Campbell, Computer Systems Research Group, University
of California at Berkeley.
