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DebugNub.mesa 2-Sep-78 13:58:17 Page 1

-- DebugNub.mesa: edited by Sandman August 15, 1978 ~:40 PM
AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs" USING [BYTE],
BFSDefs: FROM "bfsdefs" USING [MakeCFP],
BootDefs: FROM "bootdefs" USING [GetSystemTable],
ControlDefs: FROM "controldefs" USING [
ControlLink, FieldDescriptor, FrameHandle, GetReturnFrame, GetReturnLink,
GlobalFrameHandle, Lreg, NullFrame, SO, SetReturnFrame, SetReturnLink,
StateVector, SVPointer],
CoreSwapDefs: FROM "coreswapdefs" USING [
BBHandle, cal lOP, DebugParameter, ExternalStateVector. PuntInfo.
PuntTable, startDP. SVPointer. SwapReason, UBBPointer, UserBreakBlock],
DiskDefs: FROM "diskdefs" USING [RealDA],
FrameDefs: FROM "framedefs" USING [LockCode, UnlockCode, UnNew],
ImageDefs: FROM "imagedefs" USING [
AbortMesa, AddCleanupProcedure, AddFileRequest. CleanupItem. CleanupMask,
CleanupProcedure. FileRequest, PuntMesa, StopMesa, UserCleanupProc],
KeyDefs: fROM "keydefs" USING [Keys],
LoadStateDefs: FROM "loadstatedefs" USING [GetLoadState],
Mopcodes: FROM "mopcodes" USING [zRfS],
NovaOps: FROM "novaops" USING [NovaJSR],
NucleusDefs: FROM "nucleusdefs" USING [Wart],
ProcessDefs: fROM "processdefs" USING [
Aborted, DisableInterrupts, EnableInterrupts),
SDDefs: FROM "sddefs" USING [sBreakBlock. sBreakBlockSize, sCallDebugger,
sCoreSwap. sFirstFree, sInterrupt. sProcessBreakpoint. sUncaughtSignal),
SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs" USING [
DeleteFileSegment, FileHandle, FileSegmentHandle, GetFileSegmentDA,
LockFile. NewFileSegment, Read, ReleaseFile):
DebugNub: PROGRAM [user: PROGRAM]
IMPORTS BFSDefs, BootDefs. DiskDefs, FrameDefs. ImageDefs. LoadStateDefs,
NucleusOefs. ProcessDefs. SegmentDefs
EXPORTS CoreSwapDefs SHARES BootDefs. SegmentDefs. ControlDefs