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(H Extended) Compiler and
FORTRAN Library (Mod II)
for OS and VM/370
(eMS) Installation
Program Product Reference Material
Program Numbers: 5734-F03

The FORTRAN IV (H Extended) compiler and the
FORTRAN IV Library (Mod II) are released as
independent components that require installation under
the IBM Operating System or the Conversational Monitor
System component of the IBM Virtual Machine

This publication describes the procedures for installing the
FORTRAN IV (H Extended) compiler and the
FORTRAN IV Library (Mod II). It is intended for use
by system programmers or planners who supervise the
generation and maintenance of an installation's
operating system.
Third Edition (November 1974)
This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, the previous edition,
SC28-6861-1. Changes in this edition are listed in the Summary
of Amendments, Number 2, on the facing page.
This edition applies to Release 2.1 of the FORTRAN IV (H Extended)
Compiler and FORTRAN IV Library (Mod II).
Changes are periodically made to the specifications herein; any such
changes will be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical
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A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this
publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to
IBM Corporation, Programming Publications, 1271 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, N.Y. 10020.
C Copyright International Business Machines 1971,1972,1974
Summary of Amendments Number 1

Date of Publication: November, 1972
Form of Publication: Revision, SC28-6861-1

eMS Installation Information

New: Programming Feature
With this release, the FORTRAN IV (H Extended) Compiler and the Mod II
Library can be installed under CMS. Storage estimates information for the
compiler and library under CMS has been added to the "Storage Estimates"
section. A detailed step-by-step description of CMS installation procedures has
been included in the "Installation Procedures" section. A sample compiler
output listing has been added to Appendix B.

Revised Distribution Tape Format

Specification Change
To accommodate CMS files, the format of the distribution tape for the compiler
and library has been revised. The new format is described in the "Installation
Procedures" sections.

Additional Compiler Default Options

New' Programming Feature
The ADSIZE and CMSIZE options have been added to the FORTRAN macro
instruction. They control the default size of the compiler address constant table
(NADCON) and the backward connection table (CMAJOR). Information has been
added to the section "Coding the FORTRAN Macro Instruction".

Editorial changes having no technical significance are not noted here.

Specific changes to the text as of this publishing date are indicated by a vertical bar to the left of
the text. These bars will be deleted at any subsequent republication of the page affected.
Summary of Amendments Number 2

Date of Publication: November, 1974
Form of Publication: Revision, SC28-6861-2

FORTRAN Macro Name Changed to FORTRANX
New: Programming and Documentation
The name of the FORTRAN macro has been changed to FORTRANX so that installations
using more than one of the H level FORTRAN compilers will not have more than one
installation macro with the same name.

New and Changed FORTRANX Macro Instruction Options
New: Programming and Documentation
PERMXL, SIZE, SORFLAG, SORTERM, and TRACE, have been added to the FORTRANX
macro instruction. Changes have been made to the values that may be specified in the
existing OBJID, ADSIZE, and CMSIZE options.

Revised Discussion of Installation Procedure Messages
New: Programming and Documentation
The text of messages produced by the new FORTRANX macro instruction options has been
included, and the discussion of compiler error messages has been deleted.

Revised Number of OS Files on Compiler Distribution Tape
New: Programming and Documentation
The number of files has been increased from 6 to 7 to include alternate OS cataloged
procedures. Changes have been made to the discussion of user-written procedures to
install the compiler and library.

CMS Installation Example
.Maintenance: Programming and Documentation
An example showing how to install the compiler from a terminal has been included.
Additionally, a number of minor changes to the procedure for installing the compiler have
been made.

~V~1 I=ORTI IR ~p.r.ondarv Storaae Reauirements
Maintenance: Documentation Only
The number of directory records and 3330 disk tracks required for the SYS 1.FORTLIB
library has been increased.

SYSLI N DO Statement Blocking Factor
Afaintenance: Documentation Only
A brief new section has been added describing how to change the blocking factor for the
SYSLIN DD statement.

Editorial changes having no technical significance are not noted here.
Specific changes to the text as of this publishing date are indicated by a vertical bar to the left of the
text. Thesc bars will be deletcd at any ~ubscquent repUblication of the page affected.

This publication is designed for system obtaining the ;nodule lengths is included.
proqrammers and planners who supervise t_he Appendix B describes the samplE- FOf<.'lRAN
qeneration and maintenance of an programs that are punched during the
installation's operating system. It installation procedure to verify the
describes the installation procedures installation of the FOkTrtAN IV (H Extended,
required for the FORTRAN IV (H Extended) compiler and tne FCRTRhN IV Library (Nod
compiler and the FORTRAN IV Library (Mod II). hppendix C lists diagnostic messagEs