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Fi Ie No. 5370-36

Systems OS /VS JCL Services

VS1 Release 2
VS2 Release 1

OS/VS JCL Services describes services provided by some familiarity with job control language.
the operating system that an applications Background information on VS 1 and VS2 is
programmer can request by coding parameters of included in the IBM System Summary, GA22-7001.
the job control language (JCL). This book is
Parameters of the job control language are
written primarily for applications programmers who
discussed only in the context of requesting services.
code JCL statements for their jobs. It is divided
Complete JCL parameter descriptions are included
into two parts:
in the OS/VS JCL Reference, GC28-0618.
The introduction describes the nine JCL
Publications to which the text refers:
statements and the organization of services used in
this book. This publication does not include OS/VS JCL Reference, GC28-0618
descriptions of all JCL services: a list of JCL
OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783
services, noting the publication in which each is
described and the parameter, subparameter, or OS/VS Data Management Macro Instructions,
statement used to request the service, is included in GC26-3793
the introduction.
OS/VS Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions,
The descriptions of JCL services are grouped GC27-6979
into five sections: Running Your Job; Defining and
OS/VS Checkpoint/Restart, GC26-3784
Describing Data Sets; Special Data Sets; Obtaining
Output; Cataloged and In-stream Procedures. Each OS/VS Utilities, GC35-000S
ch:;tpter describes when or why you would want to
Introduction to Virtual Storage in System/370,
request the service discussed, and how to request
or control the service.
The book assumes the reader has a basic
knowledge of computer operating systems and

Third Edition (December, 1972)

This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GC28-0617-1. See Summary of Amendments
following the Contents. Changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated
by a vertica1line to the left of the change.

This edition applies to release 2 of OS/VSl and release 1 of OS/VS2 and to all
subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters.
Changes are continually made to the information herein; before using this publication in
connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/360 and
System/370 Bibliography, Order No. GA22-6822, and the current SRL Newsletter, Order No.
GN20-0360, for the editions that are applicable and current.

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or
to the IBM branch office serving your locality.

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