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Order No. GC28-2010-7

Systems Reference Library

IBM Time Sharing System
System Generation and Maintenance

'l'his publication explains how an instal-
lation specif:Les, creates, maintains, and
modifies an installation-adapted IBM Time
Sharing Systet1~. The intended audience is
the system programmer charged with system
generation and maintenance.

Part I is an overall des cription of sys-
tem generation and maintenance: Part II de-
scribes the c:ceation of a basic time-
sharing system: Part III describes the
macro instruc"tions used to adapt the basic
system to the installation'S needs; Part IV
explains the :system maintenance process,
and Part V sh.ows how to modify the system
for the duration of a startup-to-shutdown
session. The appendixes contain examples
of system generation, maintenance, and
modification, reference material on device
addressing and system libraries, a sample
machine configuration, and sample system
generation macro instructions.

prerequisite Publications

The reader must be familiar with the in-
formation presented in: IBM Time Sharing
system: Concepts and Facilities, GC28-2003
This is a major revision of. and makes
obsolete, GC28-2010-6.

This edition is current with Release 3.0
of IBN Time Sharing Systeml370 (TSS/370),
and remains in effect for all SUbsequent
versions or modifications of TSS unless
otherwise noted. Significant changes or
additions to this publication will be pro-
vided in new editions or Technical

Requests for copies of IBM publications
should be made to your IBM representative
or to the IBM branch office serving your

A form is provided at the J::;ack of this
publication for reader's comments. I f this
form has been removed, comments may be
addressed to IBM corporation, Time Sharing
system, Dept. 80M, 1133 Westchester
Avenue, .. hite Plains, New York 1060tl.

@ Copyright International Bus iness
Machines Corporation.

This publication explains hOI" to speci- This publication assumes a general
fy, create. maintain, and modif:{ an knowledge of TSS from IBM Time Sharing Sys-
installation-adapted IBM Time Sharing Sys- tem: Concepts and Facilities. GC2S-2003.
tem. 'I'his book is intended for system pro-
grammers who perform system gen.~ration and
The command system for TSS users is de-
Part I, the Introduction. pr.:!sents the scribed in IBM Time Sharing System: Com-
procedures to be followed for g.,meration mand Systan User's Guide. GC2S-200l.
and maintenance of IBM Time Sha:ring System
(TSS). The reader is guided to later sec- The command system facilities for mana-
tions by indications of what is accomp- gers and administrators are in IBM Time
lished at each step in the proc.:!dures. Sharing System: Manager's and Administra-
tor's Guide, GC2S-2024.
Part II describes the use of the initial
release of TSS to create a bash: time- The programs for direct access storage
sharing system under which an individual device initialization and dump/restore are
installation'S system can be generated. discussed in IBM Time Sharing system: In-
dependent Utilities, GC28-2038.
Part III describes the system generation
method of assembling macro instructions For operators, information on the
that specify an installation'S machine con- startup procedure and the command system
tigurati0'" and system parameters, together facilities is in IBL