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File No. 1401/1460-00

Systems Reference Library

IBM 1401 and 1460 Bibliography

This bibliography lists available reference literature applicable
to the installation and operation of the IBM 1401 and 1460
Data Processing Systems, as well as other publications of
general interest to the system user. Information about this
literature is current as of January 1, 1970.
Major sections of the bibliography are:
Part 1 - a listing of publications by subject;
Part 2 - a listing by machine type number; and
Part 3 - a listing by publication form number.
Part 1 identifies the current revision level of each publication
and includes the form numbers of applicable Technical
Newsletters. Part 3 contains a brief description of each
Systems Reference Library

The Systems Reference Library (SRL) is issued for each The second part of the file number is the subject
major IBM data processing system. The SRL contains code, which designates the subject category; this code
reference literature needed to plan, program, install, may be useful in designating a filing sequence. Code
and operate the system. In addition, the Bibliography 15, for example, appears on publications relating to
of Data Processing Techniques, GF20-8172, lists se- physical planning specifications, code 33 on publica-
lected IBM technique-oriented publications that are tions relating to IBM sort and merge programs for the
applicable to many systems, system, and subject code 80 on installation supplies,
such as coding forms and physical planning templates.
Bibliography Other publications of interest to a system user are
listed under code 85 (Reference Cards), 90 (Education
The bibliography lists applicable publications and re-
Literature), and 99 (Supplementary Literature).
lated materials by subject, machine type number, and
In the bibliography, subject codes appear in the
order number, and describes each publication briefly.
subject listing (Part 1) and in the upper right corner
This bibliography can be useful in selecting items of
of each publication description (Part 3).
interest to your installation and in keeping abreast of
other items that may be useful in the future.
Technical NewsleHers

File Numbers of Publications Additions and other modifications to SRL publications
are distributed as Technical Newsletters (TNL'S). The
The first page of each SRL publication shows the title,
file number and order number of the publication to
order number, and file number. The file number is in
which the TNL applies, as well as previously issued
two parts: the first identifies the system or component
TNL'S, are identified on the TNL title page. These
discussed (usually by machine or system number); the
TNL'S are incorporated into base publications as such
second gives the code number of the subject matter of
publications are reprinted.
the publication.
For publications associated with one or two librar-
IBM Programming Systems
ies, the first part of the file number is the system type
(e.g., 1401/1460-). When the publication is included Information about IBM programming systems avail-
in more than two libraries, the component type num- able, including ordering information, is found in the
ber (e.g., 1311-, 1403-) is used, if applicable. In other Catalog of Programs for the system under subject code
cases, GENL-(General) is used. 20.

Seventh Edition (January, 1970)

This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GA24-1495-5 and SRL Newsletter
Significant changes and additions have been made throughout.

Requests for copies of this and other IBM publications should be made to
your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality.

This manual has been prepared by the IBM Systems Development Division,
Product Publications, Dept. 171, P.O. Box 6, Endicott, N.Y. 13760. Address
comments concerning the contents of this publication to this address.
Part 1 - Library Subiect Code Listing

This section of Part 1 lists current IBM 1401 and 1460 marketing publications and
associated technical newsletters by subject code. To assist in filing, SRL publica-
tions have the subject code on the front cover as part of the file number. Most
1401 machine and programming publications are also applicable to the 1460.

Subject Order Technical
Code Number Newsletter

00 General Information
1401 and 1460 Bibliography ........................................................ GA24-1495-6
1401 System Summary .................................................................. GA24-1401-1 GN24-0439
1401G System Summary .............................................................. GA24-3165-1
1401H System Summary .............................................................. GA24-3476-0
1460 System Summary .................................................................. GA24-1496-1 GN24-0441
1401 Conngurator .......................................................................... GA24-1491-2
1401 Model H Configurator ........................................................ GA24-3494-0

Machine System
01 Basic Reference Material

System Operation Reference Manual IBM 1401 and 1460 ...... GA24-3067-2
Miscellaneous Input/Output Instructions IBM 1401 and 1460 GA24-3068-0 GN24-0195
GA24-3068-1 GN24-0363
GA24-3068-2 GN24-0393
Tape Input/Output Instructions ................................................ GA24-3069-0 GN24-0137
Disk Storage Input/Output Instructions .................................. GA24-3070-1
1401 Data Processing System Operator's Guide .................... GA24-3144-2
1401 and 1460 Instruction and Timing Summary.................... GA24-6447-1 GN24-0284
1401 Data Flow ............................................................................ GG24-1447-0
Standard BCD Interchange Code .............................................. GJ22-6690-2

03 Input/Output

1011 Paper Tape Reader .............................................................. GA26-5754-0 GN26-0069
1012 Tape Punch ....................................................................... ,.... GA26-5776-0 GN26-0059
1219 Reader Sorter, 1419 Magnetic Character Reader ............ GA24-1499-5
1219 Reader Sorter Model 32, 1419 Magnetic Character
Reader Model 32 (\Vorld Trade Only) .................................. GA19-0004-0
1231 and 1232 Optical Mark Page Readers .............................. GA21-9012-6 GN21-0094
1285 Optical Reader ................................... ................................. GA24-3256-3

IBM 1401 and 1460 Bibliography 3
Subject Order Tec1mical
Code Number Newsletter

1402 Card Read-Punch ................................................................ GA24-3072-2 GN21-0098
1403 Printer ........................................................ .......... .................. GA24-3073-6
1403 Printer Model 3 Preferred Character Set Feature ........ GA24-3205-1
Form Design Considerations - System Printers .................... GA24-3488-2 GN24-0446
1404 Printer .................................................................................... GA24-1446-1
1412 Magnetic Character Reader Modell................................ GA24-1421-1 GN24-0253
GA24-1421-2 GN24-0316
1418 Optical Character Reader, 1428 Alphameric
Optical Reader .......................................................................... GA24-1473-0 GN24-0261
GA24-1473-1 GN24-0312
GA24-1473-2 GN24-0383
Print Quality Considerations 1418 and 1428 ............................ GA24-1452-1 GN24-0310
1443 Printer Models 1 to 4, and Nl; 1445 Printer Models 1
and Nl ........................................................................................ GA24-3120-7
1447 Console .................................................................................. GA24-3031-3 GN24-0305
High-Speed Reader Sorter Operations Manual ........................ GC20-1607-0

05 Magnetic Tape Units and Controls

729, 7330, and 727 Magnetic Tape Units Principles
of Operation ............... ..... ........... .................... ........ ....... ............ GA22-6589-2 GN22-0120
7340 Hypertape Drive Model 2 .................................................. GA24-1470-0

07 Direct Access Storage Units and Controls

1301 Disk Storage Models 11, 12, 21, and 22 ............................ GA24-3157-0
1301 and 1302 Disk Storage Sequential Data Organization.. GA22-6784-0
1311 Disk Storage Drive .............................................................. GA26-5991-0
1405 Disk Storage .......................................................................... GA24-3085-0
IBM Disk Pack Handling and Operating Procedures ................ GA26-5756-6

09 Teleprocessing Equipment

7740 Communication Control System Systems Summary.... GA22-6752-1
7740 Communication Control System Principles of Operation GA22-6753-2 GN22-0193
1009 Data Transmission Unit .................................................... GA24-1039-2
1448 Transmission Control Unit ................................................ GA24-3010-3
Message Rates for IBM 1448 Transmission Control Unit ........ GA24-3030-1
7740 Audio Response Unit Models 1 and 2 .............................. GA27-2705-0

13 Special and Custom Features

1232 and 534 Custom Features Descriptions ............................ GA21-9065-1
Batch Numbering Feature for 1241 and 1419
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Readers ...................... GA24-3342-0
Special Features of IBM 1401 and 1460 Data Processing
Systems ........................................................................................ GA24-3071-2
Modified Character Sets for IBM 1403 Print Chains ................ GL24-3102-2

Subje~; Order Technical
Code Number Newsletter

Custom Features for IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460 Data
Processing Systems ... ...... ........... ... ....... .... ..... ..... ......... ............... GA24-3315-0
Mark Read Station (Slanted Mark) for 1418 and 1428 ............ GA24-3081-2
Endorser Special Features for IBM ~1agnetic Character
Readers ............................................................................... . GA24-3036-3

15 Physical Planning Specifications

1401 Instailation Manual- Physical Planning .......................... GC24-1404-7 GN24-0306
GC24-1404-8 GN24-0377
1448 and 1026 Transmission Control Units .............................. GA24-3233-1 GN27-3007
1460 Installation Manual- Physical Planning .......................... GA24-1493-2 GN24-0358
7340 Hypertape Drive Model 2 for 1401/1410/1460
Systems-Physical Planning Specifications ............................ GC22-6674-0 GN22-0103

19 Original Equipment Manufacturers' I.,formation

729 II, IV, V, and VI Magnetic Tape Units ................................ GA22-6643-3
1009 Data Transmission Unit ...................................................... GA24-1065-1
1231 Optical Mark Page Reader ................................................ GA21-9020-0
1311 Disk Storage Drive .............................................................. GA26-5713-1 GN26-0115
1401 Processing Unit .................................................................... GA24-1424-1
1402 Card Read-Punch ................................................................ GA31-1400-2 GN21-0020
1403 Printer .................................................................................... GA24-1431-3
1404 Printer Model 2 .................................................................... GA24-3356-0
1447 Console ~lodel 3 .................................................................. GA24-3169-0 GN24-0115
1448 Transmission Control Unit ................................................ GA24-3192-0 GN24-0021
1460 Processing Unit .................................................................... GA24-3199-0 GN24-0227
7330 Magnetic Tape Unit ............................................................ GA22-6619-3
7701/7702/7710/7711 Communication Units ............................ GA22-6818-0 GN22-0821
7740 Communications Control System ...................... ................ GA22-6802-0 GN22-0265

Programming Systems

20 General Programming Material

7710 Data Communication Unit Principles of Operation ........ GA22-6776-0
Catalog of Programs for 1240, 1401, 1440, 1450,
and 1460 Data Processing Systems ........................................ GC20-1601-9 GN20-0013.18

21 Symbolic Assembly Systems

Symbolic Programming Systems .................................................. GC24-1480-0

22 Autocoder

Autocoder (on Tape) Language Specifications and Operating
Procedures mM 1401 and 1460 ................................................ GC24-3319-0

IBM 1401 and 1460 Bibliography 5
Subject Order Technical
Code Number Newsletter

Autocoder (on Disk) Language Specifications 1401,
1440, and 1460 ............................................................................ GC24-32.58-2
Autocoder (on Disk) Program Specifications and Operating
Procedures 1401, 1440, and 1460 ............................................ GC24-3259-1 CN21-0039
GC24-3259-2 GN21-5004
Basic Autocoder 2K Operating Procedures 1401 ...................... GC24-3262-0 GN24-0276
Basic Autocoder 2K Specifications for 1401/1460 .................... GC24-3170-1

24 Cobol
Cobol ................................................................................................ GF28-8053-1 GN28-0019
Cobol (on Tape) Specifications 1401 .......................................... GC24-1492-2
Cobol (on Disk) Specifications 1401, 1440, and 1460 .............. GC24-3235-2
Cobol (on Disk) Operating Procedures 1401, 1440, and 1460 GC24-3242-2
Cobol (on Tape) Operating Procedures 1401 ............................ GC24-3146-3

25 Fortran
Fortran GF28-8074-2
Fortran IV Language Specifications, Program Specifications,
and Operating Procedures: IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460 ........ GC24-3322-2 GN21-5051
Foraan Specifications and Operating Procedures: mM 1401.. GC24-1455-1 GN21-0046

28 Report Program Generator
2K Report Program Generator Specifications ............................ GC24-3209-0 GN21-0034
Report Program Generator (on Disk) Specifications 1401,
1440, and 1460 ............................................................................ GC24-3261-0 GN24-0251
Basic 4K Report Program Generator Specifications ................ GC24-3166-0 GN21-0029
Basic 4K Operating Procedures 1401 and 1460 ........................ GC24-3267-0
Report Program Generator (on Disk) Operating Procedures:
IBM 1401 and 1460 .................................................................... GC24-3334-0
Report Program Generator for 1401 Card and Tape Systems GJ24-0215-2
Fargo ................................................................................................ GC24-1464-0 GN24-0039
GC24-1464-2 GN24-0231
Report Program Generator for IBM RAMAC