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The following document has geen written with the purpose
of descr i bing the c i rcu i tryon the Prof i I e Ana 109 Board in
detail. It is not meant to be a troubleshooting guide, but is
aimed at informing the technician of the different circuits
and operat i ng parameters of the board. Th i s doc;ument shou 1 d
be used wi th the Profi Ie Analog Board Tester, Apple Part tt
890-0184, in testing and repairing any problem on the board.

In the event that it is desired to troubleshoot the board
c,nt'c,ard the Pr'c,file unit itself, the board may be accessed
using the following method:
Turn the Prc,file off and let it sit for a minute until
the drive stops rotating. Access the Profile Analog board by
turn i ng the Pr'c,f i 1 e over or. its top, prc'v i di ng the top. cover
is on the un it. Remove the metal cover under the ca.bi net
which accesses the Analog board. Power the drive bacK up and
refer to the schematic for the test points and waveforms. No
harm can cc,me to the drive I,1Jhile it is ru"nning in this
pos it i c,n, bu t random da ta errors wi 11 probabl y occur. I"lalgure that the drive cannot fall ove~ or receive any sharp Jolt
or shocK as this will damage the HDA media.


The connector J2 on the left connects the Analo, board to
the Contrcoller' board. The ~.ignals cCtrrling irlto the board are
the (",rite da.ta write pr