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File Number 1401/1460-28
Form C24-8166-1

Systems Reference Library

Basic 4K Report Program Generator Specifications
IBM 1401
IBM 14S()

The IBM 1401 and 1460 Basic 4K Report Program Gen-
erator, with load-and-go capability, produces programs
that write reports of variable format. This publication
explains the writing of report specifications and the
preparation of source decks, to produce object pro-
The language used for the report specifications is
problem-oriented rather than machine-oriented. There-
fore, little knowledge of machine-language coding is

Speed in preparing reports is achieved not only by The reports produced by programs generated by
rapid processing of input data but also by rapid prepa- BRPG range from a simple listing of items from the
ration of programs to produce reports. Easier and input file to complex reports that incorporate editing
faster preparation of report programs is the purpose and calculations upon the input data. Included are
of the IBM 1401 and 1460 Basic 4K Report Program such functions as printing various kinds of lines (head-
Generator. ing lines, detail lines, total lines controlled by control-
The Basic Report Program Generator (BRPG) pro- field changes, and offset total lines), crossfooting, and
duces report programs with a minimum of time and summary punching. Along with the report, exception
effort. Instead of writing a specific program for a re- records can be produced.
port, the user states his problem and solution (the
report specifications) in the BRPG language. BRPG Machine Requirements
processes the specifications, generating a program to Object programs can be produced and executed on an
write the reports. By relieving the user of the machine IBM 1401 system equipped with a minimum of:
coding and most of the program testing, BRPG permits
4,000 positions of core storage
him to concentrate his efforts on the best solution to
One IBM 1402 Card Read-Punch
his problem. Thus, the Basic Report Program Gen-
One IBM 1403 Printer.
erator is essentially problem-oriented rather than ma-
chine-oriented. Although the High-Low-Equal Compare special
feature is not required, BRPG can use it to advantage
The programs produced by BRPG write reports in
if it is installed on the 1401 system.
varying formats, using source data contained in card
Object programs can be produced and executed on
files. Output from programs produced by BRPG is
an IBM 1460 system equipped with a minimum of:
prepared in any of these forms:
8,000 positions of core storage