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Systems Network
Architecture -
Sessions Between
Systems 'Logical Units

This book describes Systems Network Architecture (SNA) as
it relates to sessions between logical units (LUs). LUs are the
ports through which application programs, terminals, and
terminal operators communicate across an SNA network.
LU to LV sessions support communication between these

This book describes the structure of an LU and defines the
characteristics of five types of LU to LU sessions (types 1
through 4, and type 6). It also describes the data streams that
are valid for each type of LU to LU session.

This book does not describe any specific equipment or pro-
grams that may implement SNA, nor does it describe any
implementation subsets or deviations from the architecture.
These matters, as well as information on product installation
and system definition, are described in implementation liter-
ature for the applicable products. 0

This book is intended for systems programmers and others
who need detailed information about SNA in order to
develop or adapt a product or program to function within an
SNA network.

An understanding of SNA concepts is assumed throughout
this book. The basic concepts can be obtained by reading
SNA Concepts and Products (GC30-3072).

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Third Edition (April 1981)

This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GC20-1868-1. Changes in this third edition are exten-
sive; a summary of these changes is included in the Preface. In addition, the second-edition
title, Systems Network Architecture, Logical Unit Types, has been changed.
Information in this manual is subject to further changes; any such changes will be published in
subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters. Before using this manual in connection with the
operation of IBM systems or equipment, refer to the litest IBM System/370 Bibliography
(GC20-0001), and IBM System/370 Bibliography of Industry Systems and Application Pro-
grams (GC30-0370) to fmd out which edition is applicable.

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