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File No. S360-31
Form C28-6554-1 OS

Systems Reference Library

IBM System/360 Operating System
System Generation

System generation is a process that generates an IBM
System/360 Operating System adapted to both the machine
configuration and the data processing requirements of
an installation. The system generation process is
performed under the control of an existing IBM
System/360 Operating System. This publication provides
information on the computing system and operating
system requirements for system generation, the initial-
ization of system volumes and data sets, the macro-
instructions used in specifying system generation, and
the methods of including user-written programs in the
operating system.

This publication provides system IBM System/360 operating System: System
programmers with information about the sys- Programmer's Guide, Form C28-6550
tem generation process provided with IBM
System/360 Operating System. The reader
must be familiar with the various facili- IBM System/360 Operating System: Main-
ties and options offered within IBM tenance, Form C27-6918
System/360 Operating system, and must have
already decided upon the operating system
configuration to be generated. This publi-
cation tells him how to generate the oper-
ating system configuration he has selected. The following publications are required
The following IBM System/360 Operating Sys- for a better understanding of the system
tem publications are required to understand generation process:
and select the operating system to be
IBM System/360 Operating System: Job
IBM System/360 operating System: Intro- Control Language, Form C28-6539
duction, Form C28-6534
IBM System/360 Operating System: Con- IBM System/360 Operating System: Utili-
cepts and Facilities, Form C28-6535 ties, Form C28-6586

IBM System/360 Operating System: Storage IBM System/360 Operating System: Assem-
Estimates, Form C28-6551 bler Language, Form C28-6S14

Second Edition (October 1966)

This publication is a major revision of Form C28-6554-0 and obsoletes
it. In addition to incorporating information released in Technical
Newsletters N28-2136. N28-2164. N28-2152. N28-2165. N28-2186. and
N28-2187. significant changes have been made.

This publication was prepared for production using an IBM computer to
update the text and to control the page and line forwat. Page
impressions for photo-offset printing were obtained from an IBM 1403
Printer using a special print chain.

copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM
Branch Offices.

A form for reader's comments appears at the back of this publication.
It may be mailed directly to the IBM corporation, Programming Systems
Publications. Department 058. PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 12602

@International Business Machines corporation 1966