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Section 3-DC 503

Introduction Test Equipment Required

This adjustment procedure is to be used to restore the The test equipment listed in Table 3-1, or equivalent, is
DC 503 to original performance specifications . Adjust- required for adjustment of the DC 503. Specifications
ment need not be performed unless the instrument fails to given for the test equipment are the minimum necessary
meet the Performance Requirements of the Electrical for accurate adjustment and measurement . All test equip-
Characteristics listed in the Specification section, or the ment is assumed to be correctly calibrated and operating
Performance Check cannot be completed satisfactorily . within specification.

Completion of all adjustment steps in this procedure
ensures that the instrument will meet the performance
requirements listed in the Specification section. However, If other test equipment is substituted, control settings
to fully ensure satisfactory performance, it is recommend- or calibration setup may need to be altered to meet the
ed that the Performance Check be performed after any requirements of the equipment used .
adjustment is made .

Services Available

Tektronix, Inc. provides complete instrument repair A flexible plug-in extender, Tektronix Part No . 067-
and adjustment at local Field Service Centers and at the 0645-02, is useful for troubleshooting or adjusting the
Factory Service Center . Contactyour local Tektronix Field DC 503; however, toe complete Adjustment Procedure
Office or representative for further information . can be performed without use of the extender.

Table 3-1


Description Requirements Application Example

Oscilloscope and Step response time of Adjusting step TEKTRONIX 5440 mainframe
100X Probe oscilloscope/probe response and setting and 5A38/5B40 with a
combination must be time base on fre- TEKTRONIX P6057 100X
2 ns . quency . probe for real time, and
aTEKTRONIX 5S14N Sampling
Unit for checking signals
with < 2 ns risetime .
(Real-time oscilloscope/
probe combinations with
response time < 2 ns may
be used, so long as probe
input impedance is > 5 k()
paralleled by < 5 pF .)

Pulse Generator Output > 0.5 V square Adjusting step TEKTRONIX PG 502 in
wave with risetime response . a TM 500-Series Power
< 1 ns . Module .

Power Module Three compartments or All tests. TEKTRONIX TM503orTM504 .
more .

Voltmeter Accurate within 1%, Check and adjust TEKTRONIX DM 501 or
range 0 to 50 volts dc . power supply voltage. equivalent .

REV C, AUG 1978
Adjustment-DC 503

Table 3-1 (cont)

Description Requirements Application Example

10X Probe At least 1 Mtl input Checking and setting TEKTRONIX P6006, P6060,
resistance paralleled time base frequency. or equivalent.
by <, 30 pF .

50-f2 Feedthrough Bnc connectors . Step response Tektronix 011-0049-01
Termination adjustment . or equivalent .

50-f2 Coaxial Cable Bnc connectors . Checking and setting Tektronix 012-0057-01
(2 ea) time base frequency or equivalent.
and step response .

Bnc 'T' Connector Adjust step response . Tektronix 103-0030-00
or equivalent.

Frequency Standard' Output 1 V or more Adjust time base . WWV.
into 50 lZ load,
accurate within
1 part in 10 8, out-
put frequencies to
include 1 MHz.

'Traceable to NBS.

Preparation Initial Control Settings

a. Remove the left side cover of the DC 503 to gain Set the following controls during warm-up time :
access to the adjustments inside . Remove the cover by
DC 503
pulling the rear end outward from the side of the
instrument (the cover snaps into place) . FUNCTION .01 s
CLOCK RATE 10 6-1 s
b. Connect the DC 503 to the power module by means CH A LEVEL midrange/in
of the flexible plug-in extender . If an extender is not CH B LEVEL midrange/in
available, remove the cover fronrthe power module and All front-panel
plug the DC 503 into the left compartment. pushbuttons out

DM 501
c. Be sure that the power switch on the power module
Range/Function switch 20 DC Volts
is off. Set the power module for the line voltage to be
applied (see power module manual) .
1 . Adjust +15 V Supply
d . Plug the power cord of the power module into the a. Connect the DM 501 LO test lead to the DC 503
power source to be used and turn on the power module . chassis ground (function of C502 and R506). Connect the
DM 501 HI test lead to the DC 503 +15 V test point (the
junction of R502, C502, and R504, see Fig. 3-1) .
e . Connect all test equipment to a suitable line voltage
source . Turn on all test equipment and allow at least 20 b. Adjust R505 for a reading of +15.000 on the DM 501
minutes for the equipment to warm up and stabilize. readout.

3-2 REV G, AUG 1978
Adjustment-DC 503

+5 V Test Point

+15 V Adjust

+15 V Test Point

-22 V
Test Point


1 MHz
Outline indicates area occupied by crystal oven Test Point
when option 1 is installed. Components inside 0272, Pin 5
outline are removed when option is installed.

Fig. 3-1 . Location of power supply test points and adjustment .

c. Check that the +5 V and --22 V supplies are both g . Turn R42 slowly counterclockwise while watching