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OHMS (5% Digits)
*wmtg+ rn""t4
RESO. NOMlNAt.UHmus' MD,", 1Ye"
RANGE I.tmON I-SHORT 23' *IT uI'.tGC t*`.wc
x0 0' lmo 1.7 mA o.ol5 + 4' o.m9 + 4' 0.012 l I'

3 k0' 10 rn" I.7 LnA 0.0% + 2 LIMB + 3 0.w + 3
30 k,,' IW m0 ml &A 0.0x+2 o.ms +3 o.M9 13
mltn 10 54 ri\ 0.014 + 2 0.024 + 3 0.026 + 3
3M" 10 D 5 ),A om. + 2 0.03 + 3 0.03 + 3
MM" 1w 0 0.5 ILA 0.1 + 5 0.12 + 5 0.U + 5
3mMO 1 k" 0.5 #A 2.0 + 5 2.0 + 5 2.0 + 5
`For wdigit accuracy, emmt eno* is 5 (except 1s on 3om range,.
`4-wire acclxq, make ranges.
CMRR: >120dB at dc, 50Hz or M)FIz (tO.OS%) with Ikfl in `when properly zercd
either lead. `Relative to calibration standards.

NMRR: >M)dB at 50Hz or 6OHz (*0.05%). CONFIGURATION: Automatic 2. or d-wire.
MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE INP"R 3wV rme or 425V peak,
MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE INPUT: 3wV rms or 425V peak, whichever is less.
whichever ia less. OPEN CIRCLIIT VOLTAGE: <5.5V.

FTRMS AC VOLTS (5% Digits)
DC AMPS (5% Digits)

30rnA lDDn.4 0.05 + 15 0.1 v
3 A 10 d 0.1 + 15 2 v
`For w-digit Scclu~, count enm b 20.
MAX&SUM ALLOWABU INPUT: 3A. Protected with 3A.
ZFJOVfuse accessible from front panel.

TRMS AC AMPS /5% Dieits)

RESPONSE: True mot mean square, ac coupled.
CREST FACTOR ,r.tio of peak to mw): Up to 3:l allowable.
For rectlfled sine wave, add 0.3% of reading to above
spdfications for fundamental frequencies For pulse waveforms, add 0.3% of reading for fundamen-
tal fleqlmies INPUT IMPEDANCE: lMl7 shunted by < IWpF.
MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NPUT: 3MV z-m8 or 425V peak, KESPONSB: True mot mean square, ac coupled.
lO'V*Hz, whichever iu less. CBEST FACTOR Wfo of peak ta ma): Up to 3:l allcweble
CCMIW >60dBat50Hzor60Hz(~O,Cb%)with1Laineithn at%fuIImnge.
lead. NON-SINUSOIDAL IIUPWIX: Spedfied accuracy for
SETl'LlNG TlMlk 1 second to within 0.1% of cbanSe in fundamental fmqumdm <,IkHz.
reading. MAXIMUM ALi.OWABLB INPUTz 3A. Pmtected with 3A.
dB(ref - IV): AccuRAcY *cm 250vflMeacceMIM.fnmlImntpuu1.
RE.93. t Yur, W-WC SlIl-lUNGTIhtEz1ceamdtowtthin0.1%offinalNdinn.
MWT LmlON mHz-tow 10kJbmoW
-34 to +49 dB
(al rn" to MO VI 0.01 dB 0.2 0.1
-yL to -34 dfl
(2 rn" to 20 mvl 0.01 dB 1.1


SW-Reading Memory: Stores reading. range, and
scanner channel.
Mgger: One shot a continuous from front panel,
IEEE-(BB bus. and rear panel BNC.
Roglmmabk &adinS Interwb 15ms to 999.999s.
Programmable Trigpr Delay: lmr to 999.599s.

Prq+mubk ConHyrtton: 2- or Cpole.
Pmgmmmabk Channel Limit: 1 to 8.
F Bcum@ Modes: Manual. step,

Ratio: channels 2 through 3 referenced to channel 1.

J L i

MULTILINE COMMANDS: DCL, LLQ, SDC, GET, GTL, MAXIMUM READING: 302,599 counts in 5ti-diBit mode.
IJNT, UNL. SPE. 5PD CONNECTORS: Meauuemeat: Switch selectable front or
UNIUNB COMMANDS: IFC, REN, EOI, SRQ, ATN. rear, safety jacks. Dt@ab TRIGGER input and MBlER
INTERFACE FIJNCITONS: SH1, AHl, T6, TEO, IA, LEO, COMPLBTE output on rear panel, BNCs.
SRl. RLI, PFO, DCI, DTl, CO, El. WARMUP: 2 hours to rated accuracy.
All front panel functions and pmgrams are available over TBMPBRATlJRB COBPFTCIBNr w-wc L z3~-5o"c):
the IEEE4 bus, in addition to Status, Se&e Request, Out-
< k(O.1 Y applieabk accuracy spectftcation)/`C.
put Format, EOL l8sr. Terminator, Dkpky Message, and
Non-Vokttle TRANSLATOR. IBDlATION: Input LO to IEEE LO or power Line Brcnmd:
5&lV peak. 5 x 10 V*Hx maximum. >lOsll pam.!kled by
IEEE- address is progmmmable from the front panel.