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File Number S360(Mod.20)-28
Form C26-3600-6

Systems Reference Library

IBM System/360 Modal 20
Card Programming Support
Report Program Generator

This publication details complete programming spec-
ifications for the Model 20 Card Report Program
Generator (RPG) a problem-oriented programming
The reader is assumed to have some understanding
of punched-card data processing, but needs no prior
experience with programming or electronic data
processing methods.
Also included are performance specifications, a
list of machine features and units used by the
program, numerous illustrations, four complete
programming examples, and appendices to amplify
explanations and provide helpful programming hints.
This publication dEals with a prcblem- However, familiarity with the concepts of
oriented rrograrrming lanquage--the Report punchEd-card records and procedures is
Program Generator (RPG)--which greatly sim- assumed: programming by any lanquage and
plifies the programminq for implementation for any data processing system always pre-
of most commercial punched-card data pro- supposes problem definition, and can do no
cessinq applications on the IBM System/360 more than instruct the system to execute
Model 20. The EPG, in conjunction with the the data processing steps previously
IBM System/360 Model 20, providEs for com- planned by the user.
bining irito an integrated operation, where
appropriate, the functions performed separ-
ately by the following IBM unit record This manual contains the information
eguipment: necessary fer programming jobs for the
Model 20 with the EPG language for punched
Reproducing punches cards. It is intended as a reference text.
Collators Extensive explanatory and illustrative
Printers material, as well as programming tips and
Summary punches technical data, is also included to mini-
Interpreters mize the need to consult additional
Calculators sources.

The user is expected to be familiar pri- For a list of associated publications
marily with his apflicaticns and his Model and their abstracts, see l~~_~