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First Edition (March 1990)
This edition of the AIX Calls and Subroutines Reference for IBM RISC Systeml6000 applies to IBM AIX
Version 3 for RISC System/6000, Version 3 of IBM AIXwindows EnvironmenV6000, IBM AIX System
Network Architecture Services/SOOO, IBM AIX 3270 Host Connection Program/SOOO, IBM AIX 3278/79
Emulation/SOOO, IBM AIX Network Management/SOOO, and IBM AIX Personal Computer Simulator/SOOO and
to all subsequent releases of these products until otherwise indicated in new releases or technical
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@) Copyright Adobe Systems, Inc., 1984, 1987
@) Copyright X/Open Company Limited, 1988. All Rights Reserved.
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@) Copyright Sun Microsystems, Inc., 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988. All rights reserved.
The Network File System (NFS) was developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
This software and documentation is based in part on the Fourth Berkeley Software Distribution under license
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@) Copyright INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation 1984. All rights reserved.
@) Copyright 1989, Open Software Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
@) Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, Hewlett-Packard Company. A" rights reserved.
@) Copyright 1988 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@) Copyright Graphic Software Systems Incorporated, 1984, 1990. A" rights reserved.
@) Copyright Micro Focus, Ltd., 1987, 1990. All rights reserved.
@) Copyright Paul Milazzo, 1984, 1985. All rights reserved.
@) Copyright EG Pup User Process, Paul Kirton, and lSI, 1984. All rights reserved.
@) Copyright Apollo Computer, Inc., 1987. All rights reserved.
@) Copyright TITN, Inc., 1984, 1989. All rights reserved.
This software is derived in part from the ISO Development Environment (ISODE). IBM acknowledges source
author Marshall Rose and the following institutions for their role in its development: The Northrup
Corporation and The Wollongong Group.
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@) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1987, 1990. All rights reserved.

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The following trademarks and acknowledgements apply to this information:
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NCK is a trademark of Apollo Computer, Inc.
NCS is a trademark of Apollo Computer, Inc.
Network Computing Kernel is a trademark of Apollo Computer, Inc.
Network Computing System is a trademark of Apollo Computer, Inc.
Network File System and NFS are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
POSIX is a trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
RISC System/6000 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
SNA 3270 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
UNIX was developed and licensed by AT&T and is a registered trademark of AT&T
X/OPEN is a trademark of X/OPEN Company Limited.

Note to Users
The term "network information services (NIS)" is now used to refer to the service formerly
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"Yellow Pages" is a registered trademark in the United Kingdom of British
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around the world. Sun will be revising future versions of software and documentation to
remove references to "Yellow Pages."

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vi Base Operating System Reference
About This Book
This book, Calls and Subroutines Reference: Base Operating System, provides information
on application programming interfaces to the Advanced Interactive Executive Operating
System (referred to in this text as AIX) for use on the IBM RISC System/6000 System. This
book is part of AIX Calls and Subroutines Reference for IBM RISC System/6000,
SC23-2198, which is divided into the following four major sections: