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Appendix B: Status and Error Messages

This appendix describes the status and error messages that appear on
the CTS850 display. Status messages are statements about actions the
CTS850 has completed. Status messages appear during normal
operation. Error messages are statements about actions the CTS850
was unable to complete. Error messages appear when the CTS850 is
unable to perform a requested action.

Status Messages
Autoscan complete. The CTS850 has successfully completed the
Autoscan sequence.

Burst pointer movement transmitted. The POINTER ACTION button
was pressed with the Pointer Control set to Burst.

Disk root directory read. The CTS850 has successfully read the disk

Factory settings restored, non-volatile settings cleared. This message
appears when the instrument is turned on after it was turned off
during a state change. The instrument settings were corrupted during
the shutdown and so the factory default settings were loaded at
turn-on and all information stored in RAM was cleared.

File has been deleted. The CTS850 has successfully deleted the
selected file.

Hardcopy complete. The CTS850 has successfully completed a

CTS850 SDH Test Set User Manual B 1
Appendix B: Status and Error Messages

Instrument factory reset complete. The recall of default factory
settings, from the RECALL INSTRUMENT SETUPS page, was
completed successfully.

Instrument returned to previous setup. This message appears if you
select Cancel while an Autoscan is in progress.

Instrument setup for received signal. The CTS850 has completed an
Autoscan and has changed its settings to match those of the received

Internal diagnostics completed. An instrument self test has been
initiated and completed successfully.

No Setup file with '.SET' extension found. You selected the Disk action
on the RECALL INSTRUMENT SETUPS page and no instrument
setup files were found on the disk.

Previous power down instrument state restored. This message appears
when the CTS850 turns on. It means that the settings in effect when
the CTS850 was last turned off have been successfully restored.

Reading disk.... The CTS850 is reading the disk directory.

Recall of instrument setup complete. This message confirms that the
recall of an instrument setup was successfully completed.

Recall of measurement results/histories complete. The CTS850 has
successfully recalled the selected results from disk.

Recall of pass/fail test complete. The CTS850 has successfully
recalled the selected pass/fail test from disk.

Save of instrument setup complete. This message confirms that an
instrument setup was successfully written to disk.

B 2 CTS850 SDH Test Set User Manual
Appendix B: Status and Error Messages

Save of measurement results/histories complete. The CTS850 has
successfully saved test results to disk.

Save of pass/fail test complete. The CTS850 has successfully saved
the pass/fail test to disk.

Single pointer movement transmitted. You pressed the POINTER
ACTION button with the Pointer Control set to Single.

Test restarted due to change in receiver settings. You changed the
receive settings while a test was running. When any settings are
changed, a running test is restarted.

Transmit rate change complete. The CTS850 has successfully changed
transmit rate. This message can occur when an instrument setup file
is recalled from disk.

Error Messages
Alarm generation invalid while in through mode. You attempted to
transmit an alarm while the CTS850 was in Through Mode. Transmit
settings cannot be changed while the transmit rate is set to Through

Autoscan already in progress. You pressed the Autoscan front-panel
button while an Autoscan was in progress.

Button disabled in edit mode. You pressed a front-panel button while
the CTS850 was in edit mode. You must exit edit mode before you
can use the front-panel buttons.

Button disabled when dialog box is displayed. You pressed a
front-panel button while a dialog box (for example, PRINT
CONTROL) was displayed. Some front-panel buttons are disabled
while a dialog box is displayed. Exit the dialog box to enable all the
front-panel buttons.

CTS850 SDH Test Set User Manual B 3
Appendix B: Status and Error Messages

Can not insert tributary error/alarm while adding external signal. An
attempt was made to insert a PDH error or alarm while adding an
external signal.

Could not create disk file. The CTS850 was unable to create a file on
the disk. Try saving the file on a different disk.

Could not delete file. You attempted to a delete a file and a disk error
occurred that prevented the CTS850 from deleting the file. The file is
probably corrupted, though you might be able to fix the problem with
an MS-DOS disk recovery program.

Could not open disk file. The CTS850 has attempted to read a file
from disk and was unable to do so. The file is probably corrupted,
though you might be able to recover the file using an MS-DOS file
recovery program.

Could not read disk's root directory. The CTS850 was unable to read
the disk directory. The disk directory is probably corrupted, though
you might be able to recover files from the disk with an MS-DOS
disk recovery utility.

Diagnostics invalid while disk or autoscan busy. You tried to run Self
Test diagnostics while accessing the disk or completing an Autoscan.
Wait until disk access is complete or the Autoscan is complete before
running a self test routine.

Disk file too large for memory buffer, truncated. You recalled a file and
it was too large to load into memory. This can occur if an instrument
settings file is recalled that has been edited on a PC and the edited
file is larger than the original file.

Disk has changed, operation aborted. You attempted to recall a disk
file and the disk has been changed since the directory was read.
Reinsert the original disk and recall the file again.

Disk is busy. You tried to save a file to disk while the disk was active.
Wait until the disk activity light turns off and save to disk again.

B 4 CTS850 SDH Test Set User Manual
Appendix B: Status and Error Messages

Disk is full. You tried to save a file to disk and there is not enough
room on the disk for the file. Insert a disk with space available and
save the file again.

Disk not present in drive. You tried to save a file to disk, but no disk is
in the drive. Insert a formatted disk and save the file again.

Disk is write-protected, cannot write to file. You tried to save a file to a
disk that is write-protected.

Disk operation failed. A disk error occurred while reading or writing
to the disk. If you were trying to save a file to disk, save the file to a
different disk. If you were trying to read a file from disk, you might
be able to recover the file using an MS-DOS disk recovery program.

Error insertion disabled while in Through Mode. You pressed the
INSERT ERROR button while the CTS850 was in Through Mode.
You cannot insert errors while the CTS850 is in Through Mode
because the transmit signal must match the received signal.

Errors in test recall, test not loaded. The CTS850 encountered disk
errors while recalling a pass/fail test and the operation was aborted.
You might be able to recover the file with an MS-DOS disk recovery

Extra data in history file ignored. You recalled a history file that
contains extra data. This can occur if the history file has been edited
with a file editor and the edited file contains inappropriate informa-

Failure generation invalid while in through mode. You attempted to
transmit a failure while the CTS850 was in Through Mode. Transmit
settings cannot be changed while the transmit rate is set to Through

File name required. You entered a name for an instrument setup, a
pass/fail test, or a results file and then you removed the name by
selecting Clear. This message is just a reminder that a name must be

CTS850 SDH Test Set User Manual B 5
Appendix B: Status and Error Messages

entered for the file to be saved to disk; that is, there is no default file

Filename not found. This message appears if the disk was swapped
after the directory was read and you attempted to recall a file. Insert
the original disk and recall the file again.

File not read. A disk error occurred while reading a file. The file is
probably corrupted, though you might be able to recover the file with
an MS-DOS disk recovery program.

Frequency offset disabled with current transmit clock. You attempted
to change from Pointer/Timing Mode to Frequency Offset while the
transmit clock was set to External. Frequency Offset can be selected
only when the transmit clock is set to Internal or Recovered.

Hardcopy already in progress. You tried to start a printout while a
printout was already in progress. Wait until the current printout
completes and then select Print again.

Instrument unable to drop signal while transmitting current rate. You
attempted to turn on tributary drop while the transmit rate was set to
a PDH rate. Because the PDH transmit connector and tributary drop
connector are the same connector, you cannot transmit a PDH signal
and drop a PDH signal at the same time.

Internal diagnostics failed. A malfunction has occurred that requires
servicing. Contact a Tektronix representative for assistance.

Internal Error N: Contact Tektronix Service. A hardware malfunction
has occurred that requires servicing. Contact a Tektronix representa-
tive for assistance.

Internal format of file incorrect; file not read. You recalled a file that
does not contain data in the correct format. This occurs when a file is
recalled that happens to have the same extension as the type of
CTS850 file being recalled, but it is not a CTS850 file.

B 6 CTS850 SDH Test Set User Manual
Appendix B: Status and Error Messages

Invalid history data format in file. You recalled a file that does not
contain data in the correct format. This occurs when a file is recalled
that happens to have the correct extension for a history file (and thus
shows up on the RECALL RESULTS page) even though it is not a
CTS850 history file.

Loss of added signal. You have selected an externally generated
tributary signal, but no valid signal is present.

Loss of external clock. You have selected an external clock source
that does not have a valid clock source attached.

Measurements are running, recall not allowed. You tried to recall
instrument setups from memory or disk while a test is running. Wait
until the test is completed and then recall the file.

Measurements are running, results cannot be saved. You attempted to
save results to disk while a test was running. Wait until the test is
completed and then save the results to disk.

No Result file with '.RES' extension found. This message appears when
you select Disk (on the RECALL RESULTS page) but the disk does
not contain any results files.

Not available without tributary option. The requested action requires
that the Add/Drop/Test tributary option be installed.

No Test file with '.TST' extension found. This message appears when
you select Disk (on the RECALL PASS/FAIL TESTS page) but the
disk does not contain any pass/fail test files.

Numeric value greater than maximum limit. You attempted to enter a
numeric value larger than the maximum value.

Numeric value less than minimum limit. You attempted to enter a
numeric value smaller than the minimum value.

CTS850 SDH Test Set User Manual B 7
Appendix B: Status and Error Messages

Operation invalid while a test is running. You tried to perform an
action that cannot be completed while a test is running. For example,
this message would appear if you attempted to recall instrument
settings while a test is running.

Optical power has been overloaded. You have connected an optical
signal that has saturated the CTS850 optical receiver.

Pointer burst active, request ignored. You pressed the POINTER
ACTION button while a pointer burst movement was occurring.

Pointer movements disabled while in Through Mode. You pressed the
POINTER ACTION button while the CTS850 was in Through Mode.
Pointer movements are not allowed while the CTS850 is in Through
Mode because the transmit signal must match the received signal.

Root directory is full. You tried to save a file to disk but the directory
shows that the disk is full. Insert a disk with space available and save
the file again.

Through Mode invalid while receiving a tributary signal. You attempted
to change the transmit rate to Through Mode while a test was
running at a tributary rate. Any change in settings would invalidate
the test, so no change was made.

Unexpected End Of File, file not read. You tried to recall an instrument
setup file, a pass/fail file, or a history file and a disk error occurred.
The file is corrupted and cannot be recovered.

Warning: No received signal currently identified. You started a test
while there was no received signal.

Write Failure on Disk. The CTS850 was unable to write to the disk.
Try saving the file on a different disk.

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