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Addendum for D-160 Version 2.0
The software of this product has been upgraded to version 2.0 and the following functions
have been added. This addendum describes only the added functions. For information
regarding basic operation of the D-160, refer to the main Owner's Manual.

1. Using a SCSI drive as the current drive, in addition to E-IDE disks. (See page
In addition to an E-IDE hard disk, you may use an external SCSI device as the current
drive. Up to two SCSI drives (current and backup) can be connected to the SCSI
terminal on the D-160.

2. Formatting has been changed. (See page 5.)
The format function for the current drive disk (E-IDE or SCSI) and the backup drive
disk (SCSI) has been changed.

3. A Preview function has been added, and the RECALL key function has been
expanded. (See page 11.)
Pressing a Memory key while holding down the RECALL key enables you to preview
fade-in or fade-out at a point stored in the corresponding Memory key.

4. The Envelope function has been added, and the STOP button function has
been expanded. (See page 13.)
Pressing a RECORD RACK select key while holding down the STOP button enables you
to perform digital scrubbing. you can simultaneously check the signal envelope of
the corresponding track displayed on the screen.

5. Storing function for the Locate points (edit points) has been updated. (See
page 14.)
Now up to 99 (01-99) Locate points can be stored.

6. The Save/Load function for song data has been enhanced. (See page 18.)
You can use a SCSI device as the current drive. This means that you can save and load
using a SCSI device, as well as an E-IDE hard disk. You can also use a DOS-formatted
backup disk to save and load .wav files (RIFF WAVE file format).

Due to version update, the procedure described in the "Saving and Loading Song Data" section of the original
manual does not apply any more. Please refer to the procedure on page 18 of this addendum for information on
saving and loading song data.
Addendum for D-160 Version 2.0

Table of Contents
List of SCSI drive and media checked for function.......................................................................3

Connecting a SCSI device
1. Using one SCSI device as the current drive............................................................................4
2. Adding a SCSI device when an E-IDE hard disk is already installed...................................4
3. Connecting a backup SCSI device to the current SCSI device.............................................5

Changed Format function
Formatting the Current drive (E-IDE hard disk)......................................................................6
Newly formatting an unformatted E-IDE hard disk..................................................................6
Reformatting a preformatted E-IDE hard disk...........................................................................6
Formatting the Current drive (SCSI disk)................................................................................7
Newly formatting the unformatted SCSI disk............................................................................7
Reformatting a previously formatted SCSI disk........................................................................8
Formatting of both E-IDE and SCSI equipment.....................................................................9
Formatting the Backup disk (SCSI disk)...............................................................................10

Addition of the Preview function
Executing the preview function.............................................................................................12
Trimming the sound while previewing...................................................................................12

Addition of the Envelope function
Digital scrubbing using the envelope function......................................................................13

Enhanced Locate Point storage
Storing data to the LOCATE key...........................................................................................14
Storing in real-time.................................................................................................................15
Editing and storing locate data..............................................................................................15
Edit and re-store data that is already stored.........................................................................16

Enhanced Locate function
Locating a point by specifying the Locate number................................................................17

New Save/Load function
Saving the data using DATA OUT.........................................................................................19
Loading the data using DATA IN...........................................................................................21
Saving the data using SCSI..................................................................................................23
Loading the data using SCSI.................................................................................................27
Saving or Loading using a SCSI hard disk as the current drive...........................................30
Save/Load using a DOS-formatted disk (WAV file)..............................................................31

Addendum for D-160 Version 2.0

"The SCSI drive and media checked for function" are products that have been selected from the Fostex recommended list. They have
been connected to an D-160 and their correct operation confirmed. However, in some cases, there is a subtle difference in performance
from unit to unit, even in the same model from the same manufacturer, and therefore, this is not a guarantee of the performance of all
recommended products on the list. This is also not a evaluation of the SCSI drive and their performance. The D-160 has two types of
"Recording Mode" and there is a limit to the equipment which can be used (Refer to page 5).

Recording mode of the D-160
Maker/Drive name Disk Capacity
8 track format 4 track format
Iomega zip 100 MB X (Approx. 17 minutes)
MO drive related 640/540/230 MB X *1
External fixed SCSI hard disk *3 -

(*1): Record/playback time will differ depending on the capacity of the disk used (640/540/230 MB).
The drive and media which can be used are as follows (The time in the following is the approximate mono track recording time).

Recording time
Maker name Drive Media type
4 track mode
M2513A/M2513E 640/540/230 MB (Approx. 119/101/42 minutes)
M2513D/M2512A 230 MB (Approx. 42 minutes)
MOS350/MOS341 series 640/540/230 MB (Approx. 119/101/42 minutes)
MOS332 series 230 MB (Approx. 42 minutes)

(*2):Recording time could be shorter than the time written in above chart, depending on the drive used.
Therefore, the recording time should be checked after formatting, and then checking the REMAIN display.
(*3): Record/playback time depends on the drive memory capacity.

Addendum for D-160 Version 2.0

Connecting a SCSI device
You may now use a SCSI device (removable or fixed) as the current drive. This section explains how to connect
a SCSI device as the current drive, and provides some guidelines. Follow the guidelines below to learn how to use
SCSI devices correctly. For more information on the type of SCSI devices that can be used as the current drive,
refer to page 3 "List of SCSI drive and media checked for function" in this Manual.

You can connect a SCSI device to the D-160 Version 2.0 in one of three configurations:
1. Using one SCSI device as the current drive
2. Adding a SCSI device when an E-IDE hard disk is already installed
3. Connecting a backup SCSI device to the current SCSI device

1. Using one SCSI device as the current drive
As shown in the diagram, connect a SCSI device to the SCSI terminal on the D-160 Version 2.0. Be sure to install
a SCSI terminator on another SCSI terminal on the SCSI device. (If the SCSI device uses a termination switch, be
sure to turn it on.) You can connect only one SCSI device as the current drive. (You may connect an additional
SCSI device as a backup drive.) When you turn on the power to the D-160 and the SCSI device, the D-160 will
recognize the connected SCSI device as the current drive.

SCSI terminator D-160

4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 INPUT OUTPUT
9 - 16 1-8 9 - 16 1-8

SCSI drive 8 7 6 5 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

SCSI cable

Select any number from 1 to 5 EXCEPT "6" for the ID number of the SCSI device. (ID number "6" should be used for a backup
SCSI device.) Earlier versions of the D-160 automatically recognized the ID number set for the backup SCSI device. Therefore,
no such restriction was necessary. However, due to a version update, a SCSI device can now be used as a current drive, and
this restriction must apply.

2. Adding a SCSI device when an E-IDE hard disk is already installed
Connect a SCSI device to the SCSI terminal on the D-160 Version 2.0. Follow the steps described above to install
a SCSI terminator and set the ID number. When you turn on the power to two current drives and the D-160, the
D-160 will recognize the connected E-IDE hard disk as the current drive. If you wish to use the SCSI device as
the current drive, use the [Drive Sel.?] menu in Setup mode to switch the current drive.

SCSI terminator D-160

4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 INPUT OUTPUT
9 - 16 1-8 9 - 16 1-8

SCSI drive 8 7 6 5 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

SCSI cable

Addendum for D-160 Version 2.0

3. Connecting a backup SCSI device to the current SCSI device
To use another SCSI device as a backup drive, connect two SCSI devices in chain as shown below. There is no
restriction regarding which device comes first. However, be sure to install the terminator on the second SCSI
device (the device at the end of the chain). Refer to the "Notes on setting the SCSI ID number of the SCSI device
(IMPORTANT!!)" section on the previous page for more information on setting the ID number of each SCSI

SCSI device #2 SCSI device #1
9 - 16 1-8 9 - 16 1-8

SCSI cable
SCSI cable

Changed Format function
The format of the current drive disk and backup disk has changed. The format of the current drive disk is as
follows, depending on the type of devices:

E-IDE hard disk 16-track format

SCSI device Select from 8-track format, 4-track format

[Backup format] is used for a backup disk (which is used to save and load song data). Refer to the table below
for more details. See the next page for information on how to format a disk.

Application Current drive Backup drive
SCSI drive (removable or fixed)
SCSI fixed disk SCSI drive
Supported media E-IDE hard disk
SCSI fixed disk SCSI removable disk (removable or fixed)
(MO or zip)
Recording format 16 track format 8 track format 4 track format Backup format
Quantization 16-bit, linear <- <-
Sampling frequency 44.1/48kHz <- <-
Maximum recording time ~17min/100MB (converted one track) <- <-
Recording/playback track 16 tracks 8 tracks 4 tracks

* 16-track simultaneous * 8-track simultaneous * 4-track simultaneous
recording of adat digital recording of adat recording of adat
signals digital signals digital signals (ch1-4)

* 16-track simultaneous * 8-track simultaneous * 4-track simultaneous * Real-time recording/
recording of adat digital recording of S/P DIF recording of S/P DIF playback is not
signals via eight digital-ins and digital signals via two digital signals via two available, since this
Record/playback function eight analog-ins digital-ins and two
digital-ins and six disk is dedicated to
analog-ins analog-ins saving and loading
* 8-track simultaneous
recording of S/P DIF digital * 4-track simultaneous song data.
* 8-track simultaneous
signals via two digital-ins and recording of analog
recording of analog
six analog-ins input signals
input signals
* 8-track simultaneous
Note: Simultaneous
recording of analog input
recording by MO disk is
a maximum two tracks.

Available via a DAT, adat, or Available via a DAT, Available via a DAT,
Save/Load function
SCSI device adat, or SCSI device adat, or SCSI device

Available Additional tracks 8 tracks (Tr 17-24) 16 tracks (Tr 9-24) 20 tracks (Tr 5-24)

Addendum for D-160 Version 2.0

Formatting the Current drive (E-IDE hard disk)
This section explains formatting when only an E-IDE hard disk is installed for the current drive.

Newly formatting an unformatted E-IDE hard disk
The following explanations will be on the assumption that D-160 is already has an unformatted E-IDE hard disk







1/9 2/10 3/11 4/12 5/13 6/14 7/15 8/16 SHIFT



E-IDE hard disk only is installed.

1. Switch ON power to the D-160. 4. To exit from the SETUP mode, press the EXIT/NO key
After display of [Current IDE Drv] -> [Model name], the
(or STOP button).
[Unformat!] message is displayed and the D-160 will
Upon completion of formatting, the display will change to
automatically enter the [Disk Format?] menu of the SETUP
the Program 1 time base (head of the ABS 0 program).

2. Press the EXECUTE/YES key. 5. Switch to the REMAIN display by pressing the DISP
The display will change to the record mode and [?] and SEL key and check the recordable time after
[SURE?] of the [16 track format] will start to blink. formatting.
After this check, press the DISP SEL key to return to the
3. Press the EXECUTE/YES key while pressing the original time base display.
RECORD button.
The unformatted area on the hard disk to be formatted will


be displayed and a count down will start as formatting 0
9 44.1kHz
progresses. At the start of formatting, the [ ] section FL in

the display level meter will light and then successively 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

extinguish from the right end as formatting progresses.
This requires time especially when formatting a large
capacity hard disk. When formatting is completed,
[COMPLETED!] will be lit in the display and access to the
disk will stop.

Reformatting a preformatted E-IDE hard disk
A previously formatted E-IDE hard disk will be reformatted here. If the disk is reformatted again, not only will all
program data which had been recorded be erased but the program numbers and various settings of D-160 will be
returned to the initial state.

1. Switch ON power to D-160. 3. Rotate the JOG dial to select the SETUP menu [Disk
The D-160 will start up in the initial display (Time base: Format?] and then press the EXECUTE/YES key.
ABS 0) of the program which had been active previous to [IDE] will change to blinking. This is an indication that the
switching OFF the D-160. D-160 is in the standby mode for formatting the internal E-
IDE hard disk.
2. After switching to the SETUP display by pressing the
DISP SEL key, press the EXECUTE/YES key. 4. While [IDE] is blinking, press the EXECUTE/YES key.
The D-160 wiil with enter the SETUP mode, the SETUP menu The E-IDE hard disk will be formatted in the same manner
which had been active previous to switching OFF power as detailed in above "Newly Formatting An Unformatted E-
will be displayed (under the initial setting, and the [Drive IDE Hard Disk." After completing formatting, [COMPLETED!]
Sel.?] menu will be displayed.) will light in the display and disk access will stop.

Addendum for D-160 Version 2.0

5. Exit from the SETUP mode by pressing the EXIT/NO 6. Switch to the REMAIN display by pressing the DISP
key (or STOP button). SEL key to check the recordable time after this
The display will change to the program 1 time base formatting.
indication to which it will be set after formattting. After this check, press the DISP SEL key to return it to the
original time base display.

Formatting the Current drive (SCSI disk)
How to format a removable disk (or hard disk) which is connected as the current drive.

Newly formatting the unformatted SCSI disk
In the formatting explanation below, the D-160 is assumed to a SCSI type removable disk (or hard disk) for the current
drive and that an unformatted disk is not in the disk drive.



SCSI drive only is connected E-IDE hard disk is not installed

1. Switch ON power to both pieces of equipment. 6. After selecting the recording mode, press the
The D-160 will display the [Initial...] message. This will EXECUTE/YES key while pressing the RECORD
change to [No Disk]. In the case of a hard disk, following
the display of the [Initial...] message at switch ON of power,
Formatting will start in the selected recording mode. During
the [Unformat!] message and enter the SETUP mode follows.
formatting, [REMAIN] will be lit in the display, the disk
Continue from Step 3, below.
unformatted area (capacity) will be displayed and counted
2. Set the unformatted removable disk in the current down with progress of formatting. [COMPLETED!] will light
upon completion of formatting and the disk will stop.
After displaying [Current Dr] -> [SCSI drive name] ->
[Unformat!] messages, the D-160 will automatically enter 7. Exit from the SETUP mode by pressing the EXIT/NO
the SETUP mode [Disk Format?] menu and the [SCSI #] (# = key (or STOP button).
SCSI ID number) message will blink in the display.
The display will change to the program 1 time base display

3. After checking that [SCSI#] is blinking, press the (00m 00s 00f S01) to which it will be set after formatting.


The ID number and the drive name will be displayed and OL

[SURE?] will blink in the display. 6


4. Then, press the EXECUTE/YES key again. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

The display will change to record mode select and [8 track
format] will blink. 8. Switch to the REMAIN display by pressing the DISP
SEL key to check the recordable time after formatting.
5. Select the desired record mode with the JOG dial. Press the DISP SEL key after this check to return it to the
When the JOG dial is rotated, [8 track format] and [4 track original time base display. In order to eject the removable
format] can be alternately selected. Either the [8 track disk from the current drive, press the EXIT/NO key while
format] or [4 track format] can be selected only when the pressing the STOP button. To format other removable disks,
SCSI drive is used as the current drive. Normally, when after ejecting the formatted disk, load another one in the
making a recording with the D-160, the [8 track format] is current drive and repeat the above procedure.
selected for formatting. The [4 track format] is selected
depending on the purpose of the recording.

Addendum for D-160 Version 2.0

Reformatting a previously formatted SCSI disk
Here is how to reformat previously formatted SCSI disk for use in the current drive or for backup. When a disk is
reformatted, any previously recorded program data will all be erased and, at the same time, the number of programs
and various settings will revert to its original state. The explanations below are based on the assumption that a SCSI
drive is connected as the current drive, that a formatted disk is not loaded in the SCSI drive and, [No Disk] is shown in
the display.

* Steps in reformatting a disk which have been formatted * Steps in reformatting a disk which have been formatted
for use in the current drive for backup use (including DOS formats)

1. Load disk in the drive. 1. Load disk in the drive.
After display of the [8 track mode] or [4 track mode] in After display of [Illegal format], the display will change to
which it had been formatted, the display will change to the backup disk time base (00m 00s 00f B01).
time base (00m 00s 00f S01) of the current drive.
< Note >: The backup disk time base that appears
here is displayed simply for entering the SETUP
2. After switching to the SETUP display by pressing the mode and will be ignored by displaying [Void
DISP SEL key, press the EXECUTE/YES key. command] even if an attempt is made to record from
At the same time as entering the SETUP mode, the SETUP this state.
menu which was active previous to switching off power will
be displayed. Under this initial setting, the [Drive Sel.?]
menu will be displayed. 2. After switching to the SETUP display by pressing the
DISP SEL key, press the EXECUTE/YES key.
3. Select [Disk Format?] in the SETUP menu by rotating Simultaneous with entering the SETUP mode, the SETUP
the JOG dial, and then press the EXECUTE/YES key. menu which was active prior to switch off of power will be
The display will change to blinking of [SCSI #] (# = ID number displayed under the initial setting, the [Drive Sel. ?] menu
of the SCSI equipment). will be displayed.

4. Press the EXECUTE/YES key while [SCSI #] is 3. Select the SETUP menu [Disk Format?] by rotating
blinking. the JOG dial and press the EXECUTE/YES key.
ID number and drive name will be displayed and both [?] The display will change to blinking of [SCSI #] (# = ID number
and [SURE?] will blink. of SCSI equipment).

5. Press the EXECUTE/YES key again. 4. Press the EXECUTE/YES key while [SCSI #] is
The display will change to select the record mode and blinking.
[SURE?] will blink. The ID number and drive name will be displayed and [?]
and [SURE?] will blink.
6. After selecting the record mode by rotating the JOG 5. Press the EXECUTE/YES key again.
dial, press the EXECUTE/YES key while pressing the
The display will change to selecting the record mode and
RECORD button. [SURE?] will blink.
Formatting will start in the selected record mode. After
formatting is completed, [COMPLETED!] will blink and disk 6. After selecting the record mode with the JOG dial,
access will stop. press the EXECUTE/YES key while pressing the
RECORD button.
7. Exit from the SETUP mode by pressing the EXIT/NO Formatting will start in the selected recording mode.
key (or the STOP button.) Please wait patiently during formatting. [COMPLETED!] will
The display will change to the program 1 time base (ABS be lit upon completion of formatting and disk access will
00m 00s 00f S01) to which it will be set after formatting. stop.

In order to eject the removable disk from the current drive, 7. Exit from the SETUP mode by pressing the EXIT/NO
press the EXIT/NO key while pressing the STOP button. key (or the STOP button).
The display will change to the program 1 time base display
(ABS 00m 00s 00f S01) to which it will be set after formatting.

In order to eject the removable disk from the current drive,
press the EXIT/NO key while pressing the STOP button.

Addendum for D-160 Version 2.0

Formatting of both E-IDE and SCSI equipment
In a situation where both the E-IDE hard disk and a SCSI drive are used for the current drive, each current drive disk will
be formatted here. Normally, when power is switched ON to equipment using both types as the current drive, the E-IDE
hard disk will automatically become active as the current drive.
In the D-160, regardless to which is the current drive, the presently active current drive can format the other current
drive. In the procedure below, it is assumed that the E-IDE hard disk had been formatted in according to the above
"FORMATTING THE CURRENT DRIVE (E-IDE HARD disk" and this, then will format the SCSI drive. It is also assumed
that the E-IDE time base is shown in the display.



SCSI drive for the current drive is connected. E-IDE hard disk for the current drive is installed.

1. After switching to the SETUP display by pressing the 6. After selecting the recording mode, press the
DISP SEL key, press the EXECUTE/YES key. EXECUTE/YES key while pressing the RECORD
The D-160 will enter the SETUP mode and the display will button.
change to the SETUP menu which was in effect prior to Formatting will start in the selected recording mode.
switch OFF of power. [REMAIN] will be lit during formatting, the disk unformatted
area (capacity) displayed and will count down with progress
2. Select the [Disk Format?] menu by rotating theJOG of the formatting. After formatting is completed,
dial and press the EXECUTE/YES key. [COMPLETED!] will light and the disk will stop.
[IDE] will change to blinking and as the JOG dial is rotated.
This will alternately switch and allow a choice between the
blinking [IDE] and blinking [SCSI #] (# = ID of the SCSI
7. Exit from the SETUP mode by pressing the EXIT/NO
key (or STOP button).
The display will change to the time base shown prior to

3. After selecting [SCSI #] with the JOG dial, press the entering the SETUP mode.

EXECUTE/YES key once again.
No matter whether an unformatted or formatted disk is In order to confirm REMAIN upon completing the formatting,
loaded in the SCSI drive, the ID number and drive name enter the SETUP mode [Drive Sel.?] menu while the E-
will be displayed and [SURE?] will blink. IDE hard disk is in the current drive state, and then after
changing the current drive, switch to the REMAIN display.
4. Press the EXECUTE/YES key once again. In order to eject the removable disk from the current drive
The display will change to selecting the recording mode
after formatting, press the SCSI drive EJECT button.
and [8 track format] will blink.

5. Select the desired recording mode with the JOG dial.
Either [8 track format] or [4 track format] can be selected
alternately by rotating the JOG dial. Only when the SCSI
drive is used for the current drive, either the [8 track format]
or [4 track format] can be selected. Normally, the [8 track
format] is selected for formatting when recording with the
D-160. Depending on the purpose of the recording, it can
also be formatted in the [4 track format].

Addendum for D-160 Version 2.0

Formatting the BACKUP disk (SCSI disk)
In the D-160, song data recorded in the current drive can be saved /loaded by using the backup SCSI drive disk, not to
mention DAT and adat. In addition to the current drive, when a backup SCSI drive is connected to D-160, the ID
number for the backup SCSI drive must be set to "6" and the disk must be formatted in the backup exclusive recording
mode. Even if the backup disk is loaded in the SCSI drive, the disk information cannot be displayed such as by the
current drive. For this reason, in order to format the backup disk, same as with the aforementioned current SCSI disk
formatting, it must be forcibly executed by the SETUP mode [Disk Format?] menu. In this example, assume that the
current drive and backup drive are connected as shown below and that it is in the time base for the E-IDE hard disk.

< Note>: A disk intended for save/load by WAV file cannot be formatted by the D-160 [Disk Format?] menu. The WAV file
(DOS format) disk must be formatted beforehand in another computer (PC/AT type).



Backup SCSI equipment Current drive SCSI equipment

E-IDE hard disk + SCSI equipment + Backup SCSI equipment (or SCSI equipment + backup SCSI equipment)



Backup SCSI equipment

Backup SCSI equipmentE-IDE hard disk + Backup SCSI equipment

1. After switching to the SETUP display by pressing the 4. Then, press the EXECUTE/YES key again.
DISP SEL key, press the EXECUTE/YES key. [Backup format?] will be displayed and both [?] and [SURE?]
The D-160 will enter the SETUP mode and the display will will blink. This is an indication that it is in standby for
change to the SETUP menu which was active prior to switch formatting the backup disk by the [Backup format].
OFF of power.

2. Select the [Disk Format?] menu by rotating the JOG 5. Press the EXECUTE/YES key while pressing the
RECORD button.
dial, then press the EXECUTE/YES key. Formatting will start in the backup format mode. During
[IDE] will change to blinking and when the JOG dial is formatting, [REMAIN] will be lit in the display, the disk area
rotated, the alternately blinking [IDE] and [SCSI 6] can be (capacity) not yet formatted will be displayed and count
easily selected (If a current drive SCSI is also connected, down will continue with progress of formatting. After
[SCSI #] (# = ID number of the SCSI drive) will also be formatting is [COMPLETED!] will be lit and disk will stop.

3. After selecting [SCSI 6] with the JOG dial, press the 6. Exit from the SETUP mode by pressing the EXIT/NO
EXECUTE/YES key again. key (or the STOP button).
Even though an unformatted or formatted disk is loaded in The display will change to the current drive time base prior
the SCSI drive, the ID number and drive name will be to entering the SETUP mode.
displayed and both [?] and [SURE?] will blink. To retrieve the disk from the backup drive, press the drive
EJECT button.

Addendum for D-160 Version 2.0

Addition of the Preview function
The preview function enables you to repeatedly audition the rise (fade in) or the fall (fade out) of the sound data
at a locate point (edit point) that is stored in the AUTO PUNCH IN/OUT, AUTO RTN START/END, or CLIPBOARD
IN/OUT key. This is also called "point rehearsal."
With this function, you can check the locate points in real-time. You can also use this function to fine-tune the
position of the locate points while previewing the sound. This function is effective only when the D-160 is