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I BM Personal Computer Questions and Answers

October 7, 1981 (Second issue this date)

Dick Dievendorff

I BM Corporation
DPD Region 14 Market Support
3424 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 736-4879
I BM Tiel i ne 285-4879


This is an IBM INTERNAL USE ONLY document and, therefore, its use
is confined to IBM employees.

This document has not been subjected to any formal review and has not
been checked for technical accuracy.

The products referenced in this document may not be available in all

This documeht is a mixture of announcement material, answers from the
National Marketing center, information from the employee information
packet, results from a physical examination of the unit, general indus-
try knowledge, and a liberal amount of personal opinion.

If you have further questions, corrections to my answers, or any further
information, I'd like to hear from you.


Preface ii

Employee Questions .................... . 1
What does the NNC say about this document? (10/5) 1
What are the employee prices? (10/5) 1
What is the fastest way to get one? (9/18) 2
\';hat if I went the employee price? (9/18) . . . . . . 2
What. is the first day order window for employees? (10/7) 3
Do I have ~o order by 10/31 to get the Employee price? (9/18) 3
Can I get a Special Price on new announcements'? (10/7) 3
When does the payroll deduction start? (9/23) 3
When will I get my system? (10/6) . . . . . . 3
How many systems can I get at the Employee price? (10/7) 4
Will I have to pay sales taxes? (10/5) 4
What payment options do I have? (10/7) ... . 4
What is the finance charge? (10/7) .... . 4
Where can I see the IBM Personal Computer? (10/5) 4
When will I. get my information packet? (10/S) 4
Who can submit software? (9/20) ..... . S
What if IBM rejects my submission? (10/6) S
Is there an Engineering Change policy? (10/7) S
Can I write it off my income tax? (10/S) S
Can I change my order after I submit it? (10/S) S
Do I need a separate Diskette Adapter? (10/6) S
Should I order the Communications software now? (10/7) 6

Marketi ng Information ......... . 7
How do I deal with customer inquiries? (10/6) 7
Where is the nearest ComputerLand? (10/6) 7
How do I deal with distributor inquiries? (10/7) 7
What promotional material is available? (9/18) 8

System Questions ......... . 9
Is the S-100 bus used? . . . . 9
Is a real time clock included? (9/21) 9
Is it simple to start up? (9/21) 9
Are 5 expansion slots enough? (10/5) 9
How much memory do I need? (10/6) 10
What are some sample configurations? (10/6) 10
\';hat memory chips are us ed? (9/21) 16
Is the display memory addressable from the CPU? (9/25) 16
Are all address lines on the bus? (10/S) . . . . 17
Does it matter where the adapters are plugged? (9/25) 17
\'lhat is in the Technical Nanual? (10/6) 17

Processor Questions 18
What microprocessor is used? (10/6) 18
Can I use 8080 or Z-80 programs? (9/21) 18
What's the difference between the 8088 and the 8086? 18
Does the microprocessor have multiply and divide? (9/2S) 18

Contents iii
Is' multiprogramming supported? 19
Why 4.77 NHz for a clock? (10/5) 19
Is there an 8087 coprocessor? (10/5) 19'

Cassette Questions 20
Does the cassette interface have motor control? (10/5) 20
What is the baud rate? (10/7) 20

General Display Questions . . . . 21
What's the difference between adapters? 21
Do I lleed both the Color and Monochrome adapters? (9/21) 22
Can I put both adapters in at the same time? (10/6) 22
What CRT controller is used? (9/14) 22

Monochrome Display Questions .... . ... 23
Can I use my own monitor with the IBN Monochrome adapter? (9/21) 23

Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter Questions 24
Can I use a TV set instead of a monitor? (10/6) 24
Can I use the Monochrome Display with the Color adapter? i10/6) 24
Where can I get an RF modulator? (9/17) .... . 24
What does a color monitor cost? (9/23) ..... . 24
How good is the text quality with the color adapter? (10/6) 24

Keyboard Questions 26
How good is it? (10/6) 26

Printer Questions 27
Can I use other printers? (10/5) 27
Does the IBM Printer have friction feed? (10/5) 27
Is the ~lality adequate for correspondence? (9/21) 28
What are the 12 fonts? (10/5) ..... . .... 28
Does the Printer come with a c'able? ~10/5) 28

Diskette Questions 29
What controller chip is used? (9/14) 29
Do I have to use IBM diskettes? (9/21) 29
How is the data organized? (10/6) 29
What if I need more diskette capacity? (9/21) 29
Does the diskette controller use Direct Memory Access? 29

Communications Questions 30
Will it emulate a 3270? (10/6) 30
How can I use the Communications adapter? (9/21) 30
Do I need a modem also? (9/25) ...... . 30
How about Binary Synchronous operation? (10/6) 30

Game Control Adapter Questions 31
What resistance should the joysticks be? (10/5) 31

Software Questions . . . . . 32
What do I get with the Disk Operating System? 32
Where is my assembler? (10/6) ..... 33
What's in the BASIC interpreter? (9/21) 33

Contents iv
How much storage is left with DOS and BASIC? (9/21) 33
What is VisiCalc? (9/23) ............ . 33
Will CP/M-86 or UCSD Pascal be available? (10/6) 33
What does the Debug program provide? (9/23) 34

Glossary 35

Contents v

What does the NMC say about this document? (10/5)

I sent a copy of this document to the National Marketing Center for
their information and verification. They asked me to emphasize that
there is considerable personal opinion in this document, and that it may
!lot be entirely correct. I'll state it again, THE OPIN IONS

It is not my intent to mislead anyone, or to reveal IBM Confidentia:
product plans. This information is derived from:

The announcement literature

The employee information packet

5 The Technical Reference manual

Discussions with the National Marketing Center

Personal observation of the IBM Personal Computer

intelfs product literature

Experience with other personal computers

Personal opinion

Personal Computer periodicals

What are the employee prices? (10/5)

Employee Questions 1
Component List Empl Disc

System Unit (48K, 1 diskette) 2235 1517 32
16KB Hemory Expansion Kit 90 45 50
32KB Memory Expansion Option 325 212 34
64KB Hemory Expansion Option 540 344 36
Additional diskette drive 570 366 36
IBH Honochrome Display 345 227 34
IBM Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter 335 207 38
Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter 300 223 22
IBM 80 CPS Matrix Printer 755 555 26
Printer Adapter 150 89 41
Printer Cable 55 37 33
Printer Stand 55 37 33
Game Control Adapter 55 39 29
IBM Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20 50
Asynchronous Communications Adapter 150 96 36
Asynchronous Communications Support 40 25 38
VisiCalc 200 135 32
EasyWriter 175 91 48
Pascal Compiler 300 150 50
General Ledger 595 300 49
Accounts Receivable 595 300 49
Accounts Payable 595 300 49
Microsoft Adventure 30 18 40
Advanced Diagnostics 155 93 40
5 Technical Reference Hanual 36 21.50 40

The employee price applies to components purchased with the system unit.

What is the fastest way to get one? (9/18)

Buy it from ComputerLand. Put in your order now. You won't get the
employee price that way, though.

What if I want the employee price? (9/18)

Mail the information request card in the current issue of THINK magazine
to Boca Raton. If you haven't received THINK, mail a letter to:

International Business Machines, Inc.
IBM Personal Computer
Employee Purchase
P.O. Box 1328-E
Boca Raton, Florida 33432

Include your name, employee number, IBH location, and home address in
the letter.

Employee Questions 2
What is the first day order window for employees? (10/7)

All employee orders received before October 31 will be pooled, and a
random selection will determine the delivery sequence.

Only one system per employee will be placed into the first day order

If you place multiple orders before October 31, Boca Raton will pick one
arbitrarily or they may contact you.

Boca Raton will compare serial numbers on all employee orders to keep
employees from ordering multiple systems in the first day order lottery.
That means if you have multiple IBM employees in your family, you can
get into the lottery multiple times.

Do have to order by 10/31 to get the Employee price? (9/18)

No. Employees should be able to get the discount at any time.

Can I get a Special Price on new announcements? (10/7)

Boca Raton indicates that the discount will be available only with sys-
tem units. If a new announcement occurs~ an employee price will be
available on the new component. However, to get the employee price, you
must order a (new) system unit.

5 If a new announcement occurs before you receive your system, you may
5 cancel your order and send in a new order. You will get a changed (that
5 means later) delivery date.
5 If you anticipate new announcements later, give consideration to delay-
5 ing your order until that announcement occurs. Balance your immediate
5 desire to get a system with the financial impact of the employee price
5 on a new announcement.

When does the payroll deduction start? (9/23)

I assume that the payroll deductions begin when your system is
delivered, but I'm not sure. I'm checking with ISD.

When will I get my system? (10/6)

6 The Employee information packet indicates that employee orders will be
6 scheduled on an "as available" basis. Volume shipments for employees
6 may not begin until the first quarter of 1982.

Employee Questions 3
How many systems can I get at the Employee price? (10/7)

One per immediate family member. Boca Raton defines "immediate ff family
members as your dependents.

Only one system per employee will be placed into the first day order

Will I have to pay sales taxes? (lOIS)

5 I'm afraid so. The employee information packet states that the taxes
5 you will be charged are the applicable taxes that apply to the pick-up
5 location (dealer store).

What payment options do I have? (1017)

Boca Raton iadicates you have two options:

Pay the total price by check at delivery

Finance the total amount over two years

If you want to payoff the total early, contact your local payroll
department, they will compute the payoff charge.

What is the finance charge? (10/7)

12% in all states except Alabama, which is 10%.

Boca Raton indicates that the computation is:

Take the total price, including sales tax

Hult1ply by 1.13

Divide by the number of pay periods in two years (normally 104 or

The result is the per paycheck deduction for your system

Where can I see the IBM Personal Computer? (lOIS)

5 A demonstration system should be available at most ComputerLand stores.

When will I get my information packet? (lOIS)

The National Marketing Center indicated that the packets would be mailed
during the week starting September 21. The first day order window was
also extended to 10/31/81 for employees to get the packets back.

Employee Questions 4
5 Some employees reported receipt as early as September 28. ! received
5 mine October 3.

Who can submit software? (9/20)

The program is open to the general public with the exception of the few
IBM employees who evaluate submissions. The submitter must be an adult
(age 18 or over).

What if IBM rejects my submission? (10/6)

IBM's position is that if IBM rejects employee submitted software, it
would be a conflict of interest for the employee to market it independ-
ently or submit it to someone else.

6 Several of the IBM Computer Clubs plan to distribute public domain soft-
6 ware for the IBM Personal Computer and solicit employee contributions of
6 software that IBM rejects.
6 Those clubs are checking with the la~vyers to find out if such operations
6 will be permitted.

Is there an Engineering Change policy? (10/7)

Boca Raton has no plans to upgrade systems to reflect engineering chang-

Can I write it off my income tax? (10/5)

5 Check with your accountant. I'd suggest two possible approaches, either
5 a professional tool, or as an offset to software royalty income.

Can I change my order after I submit it? (10/5)

5 You can cancel it and reorder. That will probably affect your delivery
5 date.

Do I need a separate Diskette Adapter? (10/6)

6 The Employee information packet lists a diskette adapter, item number
6 1503780, with an employee price of $135. Some employees are confused by
6 this item's significance.
6 included in the Employee System unit configuration.

Employee Questions 5
Should I order the Communications software now? (10/7)

The Employee information packet indicates that the Asynchronous Communi-
cations Support software wouldn't be available until December, and
employees ordering that software wouldn't get a delivery date until it
became available.

I wouldn't mess with it. The employee discount on that item is only

Note that the hardware (which is the expensive part) isn't delayed, just
the software.

Employee Questions 6

How do I deal with customer inquiries? (10/6)

If your customer is a Volume Purchase Agreement (VPA) candidate (e.g. if
they are interested in 20 or more units), the IBM Marketing Represen-
tative or the customer can call the National Marketing Center at (800)
431-2670. IBM employees can use tieline 254-6840.

If the interest is in less than 20 units, the customer should be
referred to a ComputerLand store, a Sears Business Systems Center, or an
IBM Product Center. ComputerLand is the only active distribution chan-
nel .. in the Los Ange les area.

6 Please don't call me to tell me about your prospect. That is the func-
6 tion of the National Marketing Center.

Where is the nearest ComputerLand? (10/6)

6 La Mesa: 7200 Parkway Drive (714) 464-5656
6 Lawndale: 16720 South Hawthorne Blvd. (213) 371-7144
6 Newport Beach: 4250-M Scott Drive (714) 975-0953
6 Pasadena: 81 North Lake Avenue (213) 449-3205
6 San Bernardino: 289 East Highland Avenue (714) 886-6838
6 San Diego: 4233 Convoy Street (714) 560-9912
6 San Fernando Valley: 20812 Ventura Boulevard (213) 716-7714
6 Thousand Oaks: 171 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. (805) 495-3554
6 Tustin: 104 West First Street (714) 544-0542
6 West Covina: 853 South Glendora Avenue (213) 960-6351
6 West Los Angeles: 10600 Pico Boulevard (213) 559-3353

How do I deal with distributor inquiries? (10/7)

The Blue letter states:

Inquiries from enterprises who wish to act as distributors or resellers
of the IBM Personal Computer should be directed to:

Marketing Information 7
Hanager of Pers-onal Computer Harketing
DPD HQ, Department 8C3
1133 Westchester Avenue
White Plains, NY 10604

The NNC told me that they were routing these inquiries to ISD.

Other inquiries, such as firms desiring to develop software or hardware,
or "professional or technical" inquiries, should be directed to:

IBM Personal Computer
P.O. Box 1328-P
Boca Raton, Florida 33432

What promotional material is available? (9/18)

The following publications can be ordered from Mechanicsburg:

G520-3722 For Professional Productivity brochure
G520-3723 For the Educational Community brochure
G520-3916 Hardware Overview flyer
G520-3917 Software Overview flyer
G520-3918 Accounts Receivable flyer
G520-3919 Accounts Payable flyer
G520-3920 General Ledger flyer
G520-3921 Communications flyer
G520-3922 VisiCalc flyer
G520-3923 EasyWriter flyer

I'm told that Mechanicsburg is out of these, well back ordered, and some
weeks from relieving that backlog.

Marketing Information 8

Is the S-100 bus used?


Is a real time clock included? (9/21)

Yes. You can set the time of day from DOS or from BASIC. The time and
date are lost when the system is bootstrapped or powered off.

Is it simple to start up? (9/21)

You just insert a system disk into drive A and turn on the power. If
you want to re-boot without turning the power off, you press three keys
simultaneously and it re-boots.

Are 5 expansion slots enough? (10/5)

In my opinion, it could be a problem.

The first 64KB fits onto the system board, taking no slots.

5 Each additional memory increment (32 or 64KB) takes one slot.

One expansion slot is also used by each of the following:

5-1/4 inch Diskette Drive Adapter

Asynchronous Communications Adapter

Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter

Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter

Printer Adapter

Game Control Adapter

The maximum 256K configuration uses 3 expansion slots for memory boards,
and probably one slot each for the diskette adapter the Monochrome Dis-
play and Printer Adapter.

You probably wouldn't need both the Monochrome Display and Printer
Adapter and the Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter. Furthermore, the Print-
er Adapter isn't necessary if you have the Monochrome Display and Print-
er Adapter.

System Questions 9
I talked this issue over with the National Marketing Center, they sug-
gested that I probably wouldn't need all the cards at the same time, and
depending upon what I was doing, I could swap cards.

How much memory do I need? (10/6)

EasyWriter and VisiCalc need a minimum of 64KB.

Pascal requires 128KB.

128KB is recommended for VisiCalc.

BASIC won't be able to use much more than 96KB.

6 I don't know how to say this well, but I'd get 128KB minimum if I were a
6 machine language programmer.

What are some sample confjgurations? (10/6)

Use these configurations for comparison, your configuration may differ.

The mlnlmum system for the employee price includes a system unit with
48KB RAM, a diskette drive adapter, and one diskette drive.

In all of the below configurations, the "System Unit" includes:

40KB ROM containing Microsoft BASIC

48KB User memory

83 key keyboard

Programmable speaker

Cassette attachment jack

5-1/4 inch diskette drive adapter

One 5-1/4 diskette drive

1. Minimal configuration. User supplies RF modulator and TV set.

Component List Empl
System Unit 2235 1517
Color/Graphics Honitor Adapter 300 207
IBH Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20

Total 2575 1744

The employee price is 32% off list.

System Questions 10
2. Minima) configuration pIns games. User supplies RF modulator, TV
set, and game paddles or joysticks.

Component List Empl
System Unit 2235 1517
Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter 300 207
Game Control Adapter 55 39
IBM Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20

Total 2630 1783

The employee price is 32% off list.

3. Minimal configuration plus printer. User supplies RF modulator and
TV set.

Component List Empl

System Unit 2235 1517
Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter 300 207
IBM 80 CPS Matrix Printer 755 555
Printer Adapter 150 89
Printer Cable 55 37
IBM Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20

Total 3535 2425

The employee price is 31% off list.

4. Minimal Monochrome configuration.

Component List Empl

System Unit 2235 1517
IBM t-1onochrome Display 345 227
IBM Nonochrome Display and Printer Adapter 335 207
IBM Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20

Total 2955 1971

The employee price is 33% off list.

s. Minimal i'lonochrome configuration plus printer.

Component List Empl

System Unit 2235 1517
IBM Monochrome Display 345 227
IBM Nonochrome Display and Printer Adapter 335 207
IBM 80 CPS Matrix Printer 755 555
Printer Cable 55 37
IBM Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20

System Questions 11
Total 3765 2563

The employee price is 32% off list.

6. Monochrome word processing configuration, 64KB.

Component List Empl

System Unit 2235 1517
16KB Memory Expansion Kit 90 45
IBM Monochrome Display 345 227
IBM Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter 335 207
IBM 80 CPS Matrix Printer 755 555
Printer Cable 5S 37
IBM Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20
Easy\vriter 175 91

Total 4030 2699

The employee price is 33% off list.

7. Monochrome word processing configuration, 64KB and 2 drives.

Component List Empl
System Unit 2235 1517
16KB Memory Expansion Kit 90 45
Additional diskette drive 570 366
IBM Monochrome Display 345 227
IBM Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter 335 207
IBM 80 CPS Matrix Printer 755 555
Printer Cable 55 37
IBM Personal Computer Dos diskette 40 20
EasyWriter 175 91

Total 4600 3065

The employee price is 33% off list.

8. Monochrome planning configuration, 128KB, 2 drives, VisiCalc, and

System Questions 12
Component List Empl

System Unit 2235 1517
16KB Hemory Expansion Kit 90 45
64KB Memory Expansion Option 540 344
Additional diskette drive 570 366
IBM Monochrome Display 345 227
IBM Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter 335 207
IBM 80 CPS Matrix Printer 755 555
Printer Cable 55 37
IBM Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20
VisiCalc 200 135
EasyWriter 175 91
-4 _ _ _

Total 5340 3544

~he employee price is 33% off list.

9. Monochrome Pascal programming configuration, 128KB, 2 drives, and

Component List Empl
System Unit 2235 1517
16KB Memory Expansion Kit 90 45
64KB Memory Expansion Option 540 344
Additional diskette drive 570 366
IBM Monochrome Display 345 227
IBM ~1onochrome Display and Printer Adapter 335 207
IBM 80 CPS Matrix Printer 755 555
Printer Cable 55 37
IBN Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20
Pascal Compiler 300 150

Total 5265 3468

The employee price is 33% off list.

10. Monochrome Pascal programming configuration, 128KB, 2 drives, print-
er, communications, VisiCalc, and EasyWriter.

System Questions 13
Component List Empl

System Unit 2235 1517
16KB Memory Expansion Kit 90 45
64KB Memory Expansion Option 540 344
Additional diskette drive 570 366
IBM Monochrome Display 345 227
IBM Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter 335 207
IBM 80 CPS Matrix Printer 755 555
Printer Cable 55 37
Asynchronous Communications Adapter 150 96
IBM Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20
Asynchronous Communications Support 40 25
Pascal Compiler 300 150
VisiCalc 200 135
EasyWriter 175 91

Total 5830 3815

The employee price is 34% off list.

11. 128KB, 2 drives, Pascal, VisiCalc, EasyWriter, communications, and
games. User supplied monitor, printer, game paddles or joysticks,
and light pen.

Component List Empl
System Unit 2235 1517
16KB Memory Expansion Kit 90 45
64KB Memory Expansion Option 540 344
Additional diskette drive 570 366
Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter 300 223
Printer Adapter 150 89
Printer Cable (see note below) 55 37
Game Control Adapter 55 39
Asynchronous Communications Adapter 150 96
IBM Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20
Asynchronous Communications Support 40 25
VisiCalc 200 135
EasyWriter 175 91
Pascal Compiler 300 150

Total 4900 3177

The employee price is 35% off list.

Note: The printer cable is included because it is non standard. See
printer section for details.

12. 128KB, 2 drives, Pascal, VisiCalc, EasyWriter, communications, and
games. IBM Monochrome Display, Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter for
games on TV. User supplied game paddles or joysticks, and light pen.

System Questions 14
Component List Empl
System Unit 2235 1517
16KB Hemory Expansion Kit 90 45
64KB Hemory Expansion Option 540 344
Additional diskette drive 570 366
IBt-I Nonochrome Display 345 227
IBN Nonochrome Display and Printer Adapter 335 207
IBM 80 CPS Matrix Printer 755 555
Color/Graphics Nonitor Adapter 300 223
Printer Cable 55 37
Printer Stand 55 37
Game Control Adapter 55 39
Asynchronous Communications Adapter 150 96
IBM Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20
Asynchronous Communications Support 40 25
VisiCalc 200. 135
EasyWriter 175 91
Pascal Compiler 300 150
Microsoft Adventure 30 18

Total 6270 4132

The employee price is 34% off list.

13. IBN Monochrome Display and Printer, 128KB, 2 drives, communications,
EasyWriter, VisiCalc, and Pascal.

Component List Empl

System Unit 2235 1517
16KB Memory Expansion Kit 90 45
64KB Nemory Expansion Option 540 344
Additional diskette drive 570 366
IBM Monochrome Display 345 227
IB:t-1 Nonochrome Display and Printer Adapter 335 207
IBM 80 CPS Matrix Printer 755 555
Printer Cable 55 37
Printer Stand 55 37
Asynchronous Communications Adapter 150 96
IBN Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20
Asynchronous Communications Support 40 25
Pascal Compiler 300 150
VisiCalc 200 135
EasyWriter 175 91

Total 5885 3852

The employee price is 34% off list.

14. All hardware (except printer adapter) and software, 256KB. Note
that not all the hardware can be installed at the same time.

System Questions 15
Component List Empl

System Unit 2235 1517
16KB Memory Expansion Kit 90 45
64KB Memory Expansion Option 540 344
64KB Memory Expansion Option 540 344
64KB Memory Expansion Option 540 344
Additional diskette drive 570 366
IBM Monochrome Display 345 227
IBM Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter 335 207
Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter 300 223
IBM 80 CPS Matrix Printer 755 555
Printer Cable 55 37
Printer Stand 55 37
Game Control Adapter 55 39
Asynchronous Cowmunications Adapter 150 96
IBM Personal Computer DOS diskette 40 20
Asynchronous Communications Support 40 25
Pascal Compiler 300 150
VisiCalc 200 135
EasyWriter 175 91
General Ledger 595 300
Accounts Receivable 595 300
Accounts Payable 595 300
Microsoft Adventure 30 18
Advanced Diagnostics 155 93
6 Technical Reference Manual 36 21.50

6 Total 9326 5834.50

The employee price is 37% off list.

What memory chips are used? (9/21)

I examined a unit that had chips labeled "AN9016DPC" on the system unit
board. I did not examine a memory expansion board.

Is the display memory addressable from the CPU? (9/25)


The Monochrome Display Adapter memory occupies 4KB starting at

The Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter memory occupies 16KB starting at
location X'B8000 r