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Instruments in this catalog are arranged by function and
are preceded by technical information pages which sum-
Suggestions f o r rommzltzicatiizg with Hewlett-Packard and
for ordering is provided on the next page; information
marize measuring techniques and provide information help- about Hewlett-Packard and available Services is on pages
ful for selecting instruments best suited for specific tasks. 1 through 14.

Gas Chromatographs; Preparative Gas
Chromatographs; Carbon-Hydrogen-
Nitrogen Analyzer; Microwave
Spectrometer; Molecular Weight
Determination: Osmometers,

Diagnostic, Clinical Instruments; Patient
Monitoring, intensive care; Patient
Monitoring, operating room;
Research Instruments; ECG Accessories
Digital System Elements; Data Acquisition
Systems; Digital Recorders; X - Y Recorders;
Strip Chart Recorders; Oscillographic
Data Acquisition
Recorders; Magnetic Tape Recorders
and Recorders
Solid-state Devices; Working Standards;
Voltage, Current, Resistance; Impedance;
Coaxial, Waveguide; Communications
Test Equipment; Signal Sources;
Mixers, Modulators, Attenuators; Power;
Noise Figure; Wave, Distortion,
Spectrum Analyzers; Amplifiers;
Oscilloscopes; D C Power Supplies; Electronic
and Components
Counters; Frequency-Time Standards;
Frequency Synthesizers; Nuclear;
Temperature; Physical; Leak, Friction
Detectors; Cabinets, Hardware

Functional Index
Model Number Index
Sales and Service Office Index



Hewlett-Packard products are manufactured in factories lo- FOR CUSTOMERS IN THE USA
cated throughout the free world. The Hewlett-Packard field Where to send your order
sales office, representative, or distributor in your area is
equipped to handle all your needs for information on any H P Your order should be made out to the Hewlett-Packard
product, and for parts or service on H P products you are al- Company and sent to the H P field office nearest you. Each field
ready using. A listing of field offices, representatives and distrib- office has special communication channels to the Hewlett-
utors is at the back of this catalog. If none is listed for your Packard factories to assure prompt and efficient handling of
area, please contact: your order.
Shipping methods
United States of America Europe
Shipments to destinations in the USA are made directly from
Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard S.A. local factories or warehouses. Unless specifically requested
1501 Page Mill Road 54 Route des Acacias otherwise, express or truck transportation is used, whichever is
Palo Alto, California 94304 Geneva, Switzerland less exEensive and most serviceable to you. Small items are sent
Telephone: (415) 326-7000 Telephone: (022) 42 81 50 parcel post. If rapid delivery is needed we will gladly ship by
T W X : 910-373-1267 Telex: 2.24.86 the more expensive methods of air freight, air express, or air
Telex: 34-8461 Cable: HEWPACKSA parcel post when specified on your order. In many parts of the
Canada and Latin America Africa, Asia, Australia USA a consolidated air freight service provides the speed of
Hewlett-Packard air transport at surface rates. Ask your field engineer for details.
Inter-Americas Export Marketing
1501 Page Mill Road 1501 Page Mill Road Terms
Palo Alto, California 94304, Palo Alto, California 94304, Terms in the USA are 30 days net. Unless credit has already
USA USA been established, shipments will be made C.O.D., or on receipt
Telephone: (415) 326-7000 Telephone: ( 4 1 5 ) 326-7000 of cash in advance.
Telex: 034-8461 Telex: 034-8461
Cable: HEWPACK Cable: HEWPACK Quotations
Upon request, quotations including destination prices, will
Order by model number
be furnished to you by your local Hewlett-Packard sales office.

When you order, please specify the catalog model number FOR CUSTOMERS OUTSIDE THE USA
and name of instrument desired. For example, "Model 180A
Where to send your order
Oscilloscope." T o prevent misunderstanding, include significant
specifications. Whenever you want special options or features In many countries, your order can be placed directly on your
such as special color, non-standard power line voltage, etc., in- local Hewlett-Packard distributor or representative (listed at
clude specific instructions. the back of this catalog). If there is none, as yet, in your area,
Many Hewlett-Packard instruments are supplied in cabinets your order should be placed directly on one of the offices listed
along with easily attached hardware for direct mounting in 19" on this page.
equipment racks. Other H P instruments are available in cab- Shipping methods
inets for bench use or with 19"panels (for example, "180AR")
for rack mounting. Catalog listings indicate the availability of Shipments to customers outside the USA or Western Europe
cabinet or rack mounting arrangements. Please be sure your are made from the appropriate Hewlett-Packard facility by
order indicates which you desire. either surface or air, as requested. Sea shipments usually require
commercial export packaging at a nominal extra charge.
Price and delivery information
The illustrations and product information herein were cur-
rent at the time this catalog was approved for printing. How- Terms for orders from countries outside the United States of
ever, in order to continue to offer the finest instrumentation America which are placed on the Hewlett-Packard Company,
available, Hewlett-Packard Company reserves the right to Hewlett-Packard S.A., or Hewlett-Packard Inter-Americas, are
change specifications, designs, models or prices without notice irrevocable letter of credit or cash in advance, unless other
and without liability for such changes. Prices listed are F.O.B. terms have been arranged previously. Terms for orders placed
USA factory or warehouse. Consult your nearest field sales on authorized Hewlett-Packard distributors are mutually de-
termined between the customer and the distributor.
office to confirm prices and to obtain current delivery informa-
Quotations and pro forma invoices
Local technical assistance
FAS, CIF, C&F, etc. quotations or pro forma invoices, as well
Technical assistance in selecting equipment and preparing as exportation and importation assistance, are available on re-
orders is available, without charge, from field engineers at sales quest from local authorized Hewlett-Packard sales office or
offices in the USA and in principle areas throughout the world. representative and from the offices listed on this page.


"I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking abozct,
and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you
cannot measure it, when you cannot express it i numbers, your knowl-
edge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind. . ."
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)

Instruments for measurement are Hewlett-Packard's busi- Hewlett-Packard manufacturing operations
ness. Electronic, chemical, and medical instrumentation Hewlett-Packard is organized into the product-centered
products in the HP family now number more than 1500. divisions and affiliates listed below to assure concentrated
Since its founding in Palo Alto, California, in 1939, effort in developing true state-of-the-art measuring tools, and
Hewlett-Packard has grown from a two-man operation into to provide the specialized manufacturing experience and
a world-wide organization of more than 11,000 people, with know-how that results in instrument quality and reliability.
annual sales volume exceeding $200,000,000.
T h e company and its affiliates now have more than a Colorado Springs Division
dozen manufacturing plants, including two in Western Colorado Springs, Colorado - Oscilloscopes (dc through
Europe and one in Japan. Sales and service offices are located X-band, including storage), time domain reflectometers,
in nearly every major city in the free world. pulse generators,
T h e original Hewlett-Packard products were electronic
measuring instruments. With growth, the company's product Delcon Division
family has expanded, and now it includes instruments for Mountain View, California - Ultrasonic translator de-
chemical and biomedical measurement and analysis. The tectors for telephone and industrial applications, telephone
development of new techniques for temperature measure- speech scrambling equipment, buried cable fault locators,
ment led Hewlett-Packard into the scientific instrument field; open fault locators.
broadening involvement in that area is expected, through Dymec Division
additional contributions. Hewlett-Packard believes that, in Palo Alto, California - Data acquisition instruments and
the future, the use of high-speed data handling and electronic
systems, instrumentation computers, digital voltmeters,
computational techniques in instrumentation will lead it to quartz thermometers, data amplifiers, signal-conditioning
more complex application opportunities for contribution in
the instrument field.
The key to prospective involvement by Hewlett-Packard F & M Scientific Division
in any field of interest is conti.ibzitioiz, Its philosophy of di- Avondale, Pennsylvania - Gas chromatographs, acces-
versification and expansion is founded upon the concept of sories and services, osmometers, C H N analyzers.
building on present strength.
At Corporate headquarters, in Palo Alto, California, are Frequency and Time Division
located the executive and administrative offices, and Hewlett- Palo Alto, California - Electronic counters, quartz and
Packard Laboratories, the advanced research and develop- atomic frequency standards, frequency synthesizers, digital
ment arm of the corporation. printers, nuclear instrumentation.


Harrison Division trum analyzers for microwave and high frequencies, analog
Berkeley Heights, New Jersey - Regulated dc power instrumentation magnetic tape recorders.
supplies and related equipment.
Moseley Division
Hewlett-Packard G.m.b.H Pasadena, California - X - Y plotters, laboratory and in-
Boblingen, West Germany - Audio analysis equipment dustrial potentiometric strip-chart recorders and accessories.
and pulsers for world-wide distribution; also some of Hew-
lett-Packard's most widely used instruments for the European Rockaway Division
Common Market. Rockaway, N e w Jersey - Impedance and Q meters, in-
ductance standards, high-frequency signal sources and signal
Hewlett-Packard Ltd.
generators, air navigation test sets,
South Queensferry, Scotland - Communications test
equipment for world-wide distribution; also Hewlett-Pack- Sanborn Division
ard's more popular instruments for the British, EFTA, and Waltham, Massachusetts - Medical and biophysical in-
Commonwealth markets. strumentation, oscillographs, transducers, signal-condition-
HP Associates (a subsidiary) ing equipment, instrumentation amplifiers.
Palo Alto, California - Solid-state devices including hot- Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. (a joint venture)
carrier, step-recovery and P I N diodes, microwave switches, Tokyo, Japan - Impedance measuring instruments, oscil-
optoelectronic detectors and sources. lators, power supplies for world-wide distribution; also more
Loveland Division popular Hewlett-Packard instruments for the Japanese mar-
Loveland, Colorado - Analog and digital voltmeters, os- ket.
cillators and signal generators, ammeters, ohmmeters, work-
Applications assistance
ing standards for voltage and resistance, distortion analyzers,
Hewlett-Packard provides complete applications assistance
communications test equipment.
and after-sale back-up through more than 170 sales and serv-
Microwave Division ice offices situated around the world, Contact the office near-
Palo Alto, California - Microwave instruments, sweep est you (listed at the back of this catalog) next time you
and signal generators, signal sources, wave, phase and spec- have a measurement need.




For nearly three decades, users of measuring instrumenta- . , , HP's customer service begins during the in-
tion have found that they can rely on the integrity of Hewlett- strument design phase. Service engineers in each
Packard. This customer confidence has built Hewlett-Packard manufacturing division work closely with design
into one of the world's foremost manufacturers of electronic and manufacturing engineers to assure that every
and scientific measuring instruments. instrument is as easily serviceable as possible. /
Companies making sophisticated measuring instruments . , , More than 100 H P field sales offices lo-
have a special responsibility to their customers because of cated in North America and abroad provide rapid
the highly critical ways in which instruments of this kind and convenient service for Hewlett-Packard in-
are often used. Whether the use is found in the maintenance struments, You need not correspond with a fac-
of international communications, in the control laboratory of tory several thousand miles away for repair ser-
a petroleum refinery, or in a hospital operating room, it is vice, replacement parts, and technical assistance.
essential that the equipment's performance meet its advertised . . , Backing up these local offices are major
specifications. service centers equipped with extensive replace-
I n recognition of this responsibility, Hewlctt-Packard ment parts inventories and facilities for major
firmly adheres to the philosophy that its obligation to you overhauls and large calibration and repair opera-
as a customer does not end when your new instrument is tions. Presently serving HP's customers are two
delivered. In purchasing an HP measuring instrument, you service centers in the U.S. and one in Europe,
are purchasing a way to do a job. You have the right to with more planned for the future.
expect that your instrument will continue to do this job Listed below are the elements of Hewlett-Packard's
today, tomorrow, next week, and for a reasonable number customer service program. The following pages briefly de-
of months and years in the future. scribe some of the benefits available to you as an H P
Hewlett-Packard implements this philosophy in two ways: customer under each of these headings:
(1) by initially making sure that it designs and builds for 0 T H E HEWLETT-PACKARD W A R R A N T Y
H P customers the finest, most reliable instruments possible, 0 PRE-SALE P R O D U C T I N F O R M A T I O N
and ( 2 ) by backing u p those instruments with a customer 0 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS
service program which can respond with speed and com- 0 TECHNICAL T R A I N I N G PROGRAMS
pleteness to H P customers' needs. 0 REPLACEMENT PARTS
This customer service program is one of the most im- 0 REPAIR SERVICE
portant facets of Hewlett-Packard's worldwide operations. 0 CUSTOMER SERVICE AGREEMENTS
Directly involved in it at present are some 600 people located 0 RECALIBRATION A N D STANDARDS
throughout the company. CALIBRATION

Hewlett-Packard gears its entire operation to one goal-the satisfied customer.


When you buy a Hewlett-Packard instrument, you can
count on receiving an instrument built with quality materials
and workmanship. You can be sure that this instrument will
perform as reliably and consistently as possible for a sophisti-
cated piece of equipment.
The Hewlett-Packard warranty is an expression of confi-
dence in the ability of H P instruments to measure up to this
/ standard of performance.
The following warranty is the heart of an important and
enduring Hewlett-Packard aim-to satisfy you initially and Ease of service is an important consideration during
to keep you satisfied. It guarantees you an instrument which the various instrument design stages.
will perform the way you expect it to perform. It is backed by
nearly 30 years of experience in the manufacture of precision
measuring instruments:

Production lines are designed t o provide optimum
worker accuracv and efficiencv.

Hewlett-Packasd certifies that this instrumeizt was thor-
oughly tested and inspected aizd f o u n d to meet its published
specifications wheiz it was shipped f r o m the factoty. Hewlett-
Packard furthes certifies that its calibration measurements ase Every instrument manufactured is subjected t o a
tsaceable to the U S . National Buseau o f Standards t o the thorough mechanical test.
extent allowed by the Buseau's calibration facility.

A l l Hewlett-Packasd products ase warranted against de-
fects iiz matesials and woskmanship. This wasranty applies
f o s one yeas f s o m the date o f delivery, os, in the case of
certain major componeizts listed in the operating manual, A complete electrical test is also made t o ensure that
each instrument meets its published specifications.
fo? the specified period. We will sepais os replace products
which prove to be defective duriizg the wassanty period. No
other warranty is expressed os implied. W e ase not liable
f o r consequential damages.

Modern packing procedures minimize damage in


To help you as a prospective buyer of measuring in-
strumentation make the best possible purchasing decision,
Hewlett-Packard devotes a considerable amount of attention
to making available accurate and complete product informa-

Technical Data Sheets
When you need information about a specific Hewlett-
Packard instrument or system, HP's technical data sheets
are a convenient and informative source of detailed data and
specifications. These data sheets are well-written and amply
illustrated with photographs, diagrams, and charts,

A Highly Qualified Field Sales Force
Hewlett-Packard is proud of the members of its sales
organization located throughout the world. These men are
carefully selected and well trained in the capabilities of H P
products and the needs of instrumentation users. Y o u can
rely on your local H P field instrumentation specialist for
sound technical information and for accurate, concise answers
to your questions.

Staff Engineers
When you need technical assistance in a hurry, the quickest,
most efficient source of information is your field sales office
staff engineer. He's as near as your telephone - always
available and ready to answer your call.
As the in-office counterpart of your H P field specialist,
the H P staff engineer works together with him in providing
you with the finest possible technical assistance. If you need
applications information or technical data on H P products,
be sure to give your local staff engineer a call.

Demonstration Instruments
To make it possible for you to get a close look at the
capabilities of Hewlett-Packard instruments, H P demonstra-
tion vans travel around the U. S. and other parts of the
world making frequent demonstration stops. These vans
offer you a chance to see and evaluate H P instruments in
working displays.

Special Instrument Modifications
With Hewlett-Packard's broad product base, standard in-
struments may often be modified to meet a wide variety of
special applications. HP's divisionalization of product groups
permits flexibility in manufacturing methods, and provides
almost unlimited potential for special modifications, If you
have a unique application and cannot find a standard instru-
ment to do the job, check with your local H P field specialist.
H e is always ready to help you solve your measurement


Sophisticated measuring instruments are L'ery often rather
intricate pieces of hardware. T o take full advantage of the
capabilities of these instruments, users generally have to fa-
miliarize themselves with a considerable amount of highly
technical information. The primary source of this informa-
tion for a particular instrument is the written material sup-
plied by the manufacturer of that instrument.
Recognizing this responsibility, Hewlett-Packard devotes
unusual attention to developing and distributing to its cus-
tomers the most informative, readable, and generally useful
written material of any manufacturer of measuring instru-

Operating and Service Manuals
The most important publication of all to a customer is
the Operating and Service Manual for his instrument.
Hewlett-Packard's Operating and Service Manuals are
outstanding technical publications-logically organized,
well written, containing ample photographs, diagrams, and
illustrations, and compatible with several publications stand-
ards. Included in each manual are sections covering the
theory of operation, operating instructions, maintenance and
calibration information, and a table of replacement parts.
A manual is supplied with each new instrument. As a
further service, extra manuals for all current Hewlett-Pack-
ard instruments, as well as for many older instruments, are
also available at reasonable cost.

Service Notes
This series of technical publications is intended primarily
as a vehicle for disseminating repair and maintenance in-
formation on Hewlett-Packard instruments. Acting as a con-
venient means of updating customers' Operating and Service
Manuals, Service Notes cover such topics as new or special
calibration techniques, instrument modifications, and special
repair procedures-all written in a detailed manner. Ask
your local field specialist for a copy of the Service Note Index
so you can order those Service Notes of interest to you.


Bench Briefs
This newsletter briefly describes new Service Notes and
other service publications as they become available. Servic-
ing tips and suggestions which may be helpful to you are
also included. Your local Hewlett-Packard field sales office
will be happy to place your name on the regular Bench Briefs
mailing list.

Application Publications
Hewlett-Packard application publications generally deal
with individual measurement problems and offer sugges-
tions and guidelines for developing analytical systems to
meet these problems. Hewlett-Packard's two main applica-
tion publications are Application Notes, primarily directed
at the electronic discipline, and Applications Lab Report,
intended mainly for chemical instrumentation users.
Because of their specialized nature, Hewlett-Packard's ap-
plication publications are distributed by individual request.
Your local field sales office will be glad to provide a list of
application publications available.

Measurement News
Announcements of new electronic instruments and articles
of local interest are brought to you by your local field office
in this bi-monthly publication. Also included are descriptions
of new application publications as they become available. Ask
your HP field sales office to place you on the regular mailing




The Hewlett-Packard Journal


The Hewlett-Packard Journal is recognized as one of the
most widely read engineering magazines in the electronics
field. A monthly publication, the Journal contains authori-
tative articles by H P electronics engineers and scientists on
the subjects of new instrumentation, measuring techniques,
and related topics,
To be added to the circulation records, contact any H P
field office or write: Editor, Hewlett-Packdrd Journal, 1501
Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, California, 94304.


Facts and Methods Measuring for Medicine
for Scientific Research and the Life Sciences

Facts and Methods for Scientific Research-pub- Measuring for Medicine and the Life Sciences, a
lished bi-monthly by the H P Chemical Applications quarterly publication from Hewlett-Packard's San-
Laboratory- is devoted to reporting the results of born Division, demonstrates by reports of actual
applications work and new technological develop- applications how Sanborn and other H P instrumen-
ments in the field of chemical instrumentation. tation helps medicine and the life sciences obtain
To receive future issues of Facts and Methods, information on living processes-accurately, rap-
send your name and address to any H P field sales idly, znd in the most meaningful form.
office or 1501 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, California If you are interested in receiving Measuring fov
94304. Mediciize, contact your H P field sales office or 1501
Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, California 94304.


T o help assure that Hewlett-Packard customers are satis- plants. Seminars conducted in field sales offices generally
fied customers, H P makes available an extensive schedule of cover a given product area, such as oscilloscopes, nuclear in-
training courses, or training "seminars", that are designed to struments, gas chromatographs, etc., and last for 1 - 3 days.
help users of measuring instruments maximize the efficiency Seminars conducted at manufacturing plants offer broader
of their equipment. and deeper product coverage and generally last for one or
Seminar Content two weeks, Portions of this training are tailored to individ-
ual needs where possible. Practical user experience in opera-
The seminars available to you from H P can be classified tion, repair, and calibration is emphasized.
in two types. T h e first has to do with uiizg equipment ef-
fectively. Subject matter generally includes the theory and
application of a particular measuring technique, and the Seminar Arrangements
approach that H P has followed in developing an instrument All sessions are conducted by technically competent in-
to make use of this technique. This type of training session structors who are experienced in instructional techniques.
is called an "Applications Seminar". Your local H P field sales office will be glad to provide
T h e second type of seminar has to do with ways and you with the schedule of seminars coming up in future
means of muintuiiziizg equipment-in terms of both repair months. In the case of field seminars (both applications and /
and calibration. This program is intended primarily for service) , scheduling depends largely on the preferences ex-
service technicians, and is called a "Service Seminar". By pressed by customers, So if you would like to see a particular
taking advantage of it, you can have factory trained tech- seminar offered in your area, be sure to mention it to your
nicians in your own facility. local field sales office.
Of course, there is no charge for any Hewlett-Packard
Training Locations training seminar. Your only cost is for your own transporta-
Both of these seminars are available to you in two loca- tion, lodging, and meals. If you wish, H P will be happy to
tions-at H P field sales offices and at H P manufacturing help you arrange for lodging.


Prompt instrument maintenance, done either in your fa.
cility or by Hewlett-Packard, depends on the immediatc
availability of replacement parts. For this reason, HP main.
tains extensive parts inventories at its field sales offices
in many locations. These field sales offices are backed up
by service centers, which maintain full factory level inven.
tories, including many parts for older H P instruments.

Parts Identification
As mentioned earlier, every HP instrument manual has a.
"Table of Replacement Parts" to make it easy for you to
identify parts you wish to replace.
If you need further help in identifying replacement parts,
be sure to call your Hewlett-Packard field sales office, Each
office maintains extensive technical files to help identify
parts rapidly, and further support is given each office by the
service centers, which have complete microfiles including;
many of the older products. This capability provides com-
plete information in a matter of seconds.

Delivery Time
When it comes to replacement parts, customers have a.
/ right to expect product quality and fair value from their
supplier. From Hewlett-Packard, this is exactly what they
receive. Customers also have a right to expect fast delivery.
W i t h its extensive distribution of field sales offices and con-
venient local inventories, H P is uniquely qualified to provide
fast delivery.
Normally, a replacement part order received by a USA
field sales office will be filled and shipped the same day. Even
if the office does not have the part in stock, this speed is not
lost thanks to a computerized dataphone communications
system linking each field office and service center.
In the USA if a field sales office receives an order for a
part which it cannot supply, the order will be instantly re-
layed to a service center via the dataphone link, T h e order
is then filled and shipped directly to the customer by the
service center.
Hewlett-Packard can in this way offer unusual speed in
the delivery of replacement parts.




Other Supplies
In addition to the usual replacement parts, Accessories and
Operating Slipplies are also in stock ready for immediate

1 A wide variety of instrument accessories are always
available for Hewlett-Packard Products.
Modificution Kits may also be ordered from your nearby
field sales office. Two publications from H P Customer Ser-
vice, "Service Notes" and "Bench Briefs" (referred to earlier
under TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS), keep you abreast
of modifications which are available.

Several types of Spare Parts Kits are available to sustain
continuous operation from your H P instruments when they
are being used in an isolated area, or where loss of the
instrument's use would be extremely critical. "Running
Spares" and "Isolated Service Kits" offer varying degrees
of completeness, and you can choose the kit that most nearly
satisfies your requirements.

Ordering Procedure
When ordering a replacement part or supply item, please
specify: (1) the H P stock number for the part, and ( 2 ) its
I Shown here is the modification kit for the internal complete name as indicated in the "Table of Replacement
light source of the model 196A oscilloscope camera. Parts" in your Operating and Service Manual. Since the
characteristics of a given component may have been altered
in subsequent production changes, you should be sure to take
this information from the Operating and Service Manual you
originally received with the instrument,

As indicated above, your local field sales office can also
provide help in parts identification. If you do place an order
for a part without a stock number, please include the instru-
ment model number, its serial number, a complete descrip-
tion of the part, its function, and its location within the

I These items make U D a m a r e Darts kit for the model


Hewlett-Packard is always prepared to back its products customers reasonably expect to pay for the benefits received.
with the best possible repair service at a fair price. In addition to needed repairs, H P performs calibration, pre-
To this end, most H P field sales offices throughout the ventive maintenance, and both mechanical and electrical in-
world have repair and maintenance groups. These offices are spection to ensure satisfactory operation and a prolonged
backed by service centers which have complete maintenance life for your H P instruments.
facilities, sophisticated test equipment, factory trained spe- H P also offers extensive overhaul services for older instru-
cialists, and a full line of replacement parts. You are thus ments, These models can often be rebuilt to meet the specifi-
able to deal with one local H P sales office for all your instru- cations of the current production models. If a model is no
/ mentation needs. -
longer manufactured, an overhaul will restore the instrument
Service is always provided at a price which reflects a fair to its original usefulness.
value for the work actually done and is consistent with what


Many Hewlett-Packard customers have found that they can The services available include (1) calibration and pre-
eliminate guesswork from their instrument maintenance pro- ventive maintenance, ( 2 ) emergency repair service, ( 3 ) free
gram and save money at the same time by joining H P in a parts replacement (except for parts valued at more than
Customer Service Agreement, $100, and except in the case of resident agreements), and
This is a well defined service program that can reduce ( 4 ) additional features as follows , . . your choice of either
your costs by making sure that your instruments are operat- in-shop (in H P facilities) or on-site (at your location)
ing properly, by minimizing instrument downtime, and by service. . . pick-up and delivery for in-shop service. . . the
extending the useful life of your instruments. For a basic addition of new H P instruments to the contract at no charge
annual cost agreed upon by you and Hewlett-Packard, you . . . a discount of 10% for new systems installations. . .
can let H P assume your maintenance responsibilities and, in standards lab capabilities for special requirements.
so doing, reduce your own resources tied u p in maintenance. Hewlett-Packard's Customer Service Agreement program
Three types of Customer Service Agreements are available. is based on the extensive histories of service and repair in-
T h e first is an instwmetzt maintenance agreement, with either formation which have been collected on each H P instrument.
on-site or in-shop service available. T h e second is a systems By taking advantage of this information in the context of
service program, with the work usually done at your location. an H P Customer Service Agreement, you can improve the
T h e third is a resideizt service agreement, in which a factory- usefulness and efficiency of each of your instruments, and f
trained H P service specialist is stationed at your location to do it at a fair price.
handle maintenance for your H P equipment. Contact your H P field sales office for more information.

I Maximum eauipment use Minimized downtime Trained repair sDecialists Known annual cost

New instrum

I 10% discount on systems Day and night service Defective parts replaced free Standards lab calibration



I -

To insure that an electronic instrument continues to per-
form reliably, its operation should be routinely verified from
time to time. Each Hewlett-Packard operating and Service
Manual provides the information you need to recalibrate
instruments in your own facility, If you prefer, the local HP
sales office will be happy to arrange your recalibration for

/ In addition to this normal recalibration service, Hewlett-
Packard also offers a standards calibration service for a wide
variety of components, instruments and systems.

A standards calibration generally consists of obtaining the
necessary corrections to be applied so that an instrument can
be used with improved accuracy. In other cases, the standards
calibration report is evidence of compliance with require-
ments for traceability to the National Bureau of Standards,
important in government contracts. Recalibrations are performed by factory trained
technicians at local field service facilities
T h e calibration report issued on every calibration gives
the measurement conditions, a brief description of the tech-
nique used, the measurement uncertainty, the statement of
traceability, and the actual test data, expressed in the most
useful form. HP's standards capabilities cover almost all of
the usual electronic quantities, at frequencies from dc to 40
GHz. An instrument of any manufacture can be calibrated,
provided only that it is in good condition and shows the
requisite stability.

Most customer standards calibrations are done by the
Measurement Standards Laboratory at HP's headquarters in
/ Palo Alto, California. As a further service, however, many of
the HP field sales offices have been equipped with standards
calibration capabilities for selected types of measurements.

Contact your local Hewlett-Packard field sales office for HP's flying clocks are used by major world time
more information on the recalibration and standards calibra- keeping centers t o calibrate their time standards.
tion services available to you from HP.

The DC Room in HP's Palo Alto Standards Laboratory has temperature controlled within +O.O3"C.
Analytical Instruments
for Chemistry

Technical Information . . . . . . . 16 Specialized Analyzers . . . . . . . 31
Microwave Spectrometer
Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen Analyzer
Gas Chromatographs . , , . . . . . 18
Research Molecular Weight Determination . . . . 34
High Efficiency Vapor Pressure Osmometer
Laboratory Membrane Osmometer
Automatic Viscometer
Constant-Temperature Bath
Preparative Gas Chromatographs . . . . 27
Programmable Printer
Manual Chemical Accessories . . . . . . . 40


Long recognzed as the foremost sup- accurate molecular weight determina- columns for analyzing sensitive materials.
plier of electronic instruments for the tions of all sizes of molecules from 100 F&M Scientific Division manufactures
engineer, Hewlett-Packard has more to several million. all three types. The choice should be
recently become an important source based along functional lines as outlined
of laboratory instrumentation for the in Table 1.
chemist. Chemical instrumentation from 4-S pecia I ana Iys is
Hewlett-Packard reaches into four dis- Besides the choice of instruments, the
In this category of Hewlett-Packard key to a good separation by gas chroma-
tinct areas: chemical instrumentation, there are cur- tography is the selection of a proper
rently two members. One is the HP column. This is a rather involved pro-
Model 8400A Microwave Spectrometer, cedure since there are literally hundreds
1-Analytical gas chromatography a new kind of instrument that gives in- of available column materials. Much of
Although less than 1 5 years old, gas formation about a sample's molecular the needed information for a correct
chromatography has taken over from structure through measurement of ab- choice is contained in F&M Scientific Di-
classical and other instrumental methods sorption frequencies in the X-band. The vision's Accessories Catalog No. 2.
the bulk of analytical work performed in other is the F&M Model 185 Carbon Hy-
chemical laboratories around the world. drogen Nitrogen Analyzer which per-
There is an excellent reason for the forms a complete elemental analysis of
organic materials simultaneously and Preparative gas chromatographs
revolutionary effect of the gas chromato-
graph on analytical chemistry: no other automatically. Most manufacturers classify prepara-
method gets more accurate results, at tive gas chromatographs by capacity,
greater speed and for less cost. with general agreement that there are
Analytical gas chromatographs two types: those that accommodate
The F&M Scientific Division was a There are basically three types of ana- small-capacity columns up to ?/4 inch
pioneer in gc development. Currently, it lytical gas chromatographs currently be- OD, and those that have larger capacity.
offers as complete a line gas chromato- ing manufactured: a "research" instru- This classification scheme does not apply
graphs for all types of general and spe- ment that incorporates all the state-of- to Hewlett-Packard preparative gc's,
cial applications as any manufacturer the-art advances for high performance; however, because they all accommodate,
anywhere in the world. Its standard cata- a "laboratory" instrument which can be with equal ease, both the low-capacity
log includes more than 50 models. ordered with only basic equipment for and the high-capacity columns. The two
routine analyses; and a "high-efficiency" Hewlett-Packard instruments differ prin-
instrument whose primary advantage is a cipally in the degree of automation (see
2-Preparative gas large oven to accommodate U-tube glass Table 2 ) .
/ chromatography
A natural outgrowth of analytical gas
chromatography, the preparative gc is TABLE 1 - Analytical gas chromatographs
used not to analyze, but to isolate and
collect quantities of pure chemicals. Description Price

Research Highest quality; performance equal to the strictest $3300.00
For many types of chemicals, prepara- research requirements; simultaneous installation of Dual thermal
tive gas chromatography is the fastest any three detectors and simultaneous operation of conductivity (Dtc) 5752A 3200.00
any two with dual column compensation; fully ver- Electron
and most economical way to collect pure satile and automated. With model 5756A, Three de- capture (Ec) 5753A 3500.00
fractions. Its application is growing tectors can be operated simultaneously. Df and Dtc 5754A 4300.00
Df and Ec 5755A 4350.00
rapidly, especially as the result of tech- Df and Dtc
nological improvements such as the F&M and Ec 5756A 5300.00
Scientific Division's 2% and 4 inch OD Laboratory Low-cost dual-column instrument with modular de- Dual thermal
preparative columns. The latter are GC sign that permits easy addition of functional acces- conductivity 700-00 1095.00
sories. Dual flame 700-1099F 1700.00
capable of collecting in a few hours as Electron
much pure chemical as can be collected capture 700-3099F 1845.00
in several days by classical methods such Micro cross
section 700-4099F 1660.00
as distillation.
High- Dual U-tube glass columns, high-efficiency gc sys- Df 402 3700.00
Efticiency t e n , multiple detector options , , , for the analysis Df and EC 402
GC of hard-to-chromatograph materials. (tritium) + opt. 02 4295.00
Df and Ec(Ni63) 402 4550.00
3-Molecular weight + opt. 03
The special skills of the polymer chem-
ist are needed in practically every scienti-
fic field today, whether food technology, TYPE Description Function Y o d e l No. Price
bio-medical science, petroleum chemistry,
Preparative True prep-scale instruments accommodate various Automatic 775 $8800.00
etc. The F&M Scientific Division serves GC sizes of prep columns between s/s and 4" OD, with (including
the polymer chemist