Text preview for : Mesa.signals_Sep78.pdf part of xerox Mesa.signals Sep78 xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_System Mesa.signals_Sep78.pdf

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Mesa.signals 2-Sep-78 14:14:54 Page 1

Mesa.image -- 30-Aug-78 9:48:51

1737608 Resident
2018 Unbound Procedure
2058 StartFault
2118 Code Inconsistency
2158 ParityError
2218 PhantomParityError
1737548 Signaller
4018 SendMsgSignal
4058 ResumeError
1737408 DiskIO
6018 RetryableDiskError
6058 UnrecoverableDiskError
6118 DiskCheckError
1733148 Swapper
10018 SwapError
10058 SegmentFault
10118 InsufficientVM
10158 VMnotFree
10218 InvalidObject
1730408 LoaderUtilities
20018 FileNotFound
1730248 LoadState
22018 LoadStateFull
1730148 Loader
26018 LoaderError
26058 Invalid8cd
26118 InvalidFile
26158 VersionMismatch
1727748 Process
30018 Aborted
30058 TimedOut
30118 TooManyProcesses
30158 InvalidProcess
1727708 Directory
32018 8adFilename
32058 8adDirectory
1727548 DiskKD
34018 DiskFull
1727408 NonResident
42018 NoGlobalFrameSlots
42058 Stack Error
42118 PortFault
42158 LinkageFault
42218 ControlFault
'42258 InvalidGlobalFrame
1727308 Segments
44018 InvalidSegmentSize
44058 InvalidFP
1727248 Strings
50018 StringBoundsFault
50058 bcplStringOverflow
50118 mesaStringOverflow
50158 Overflow
50218 InvalidNumber
1727148 Files
52018 FileError
52058 FileNameError
52118 FileAccessError
Mesa.signals 2-Sep-78 14:14:54 Page 2

1727108 StreamsA
56018 StreamError
1727008 FSP
62018 ZoneTooSmall
62058 InvalidZone
62118 NodeLoop
62158 InvalidNode
62218 NoRoomlnZone
1725308 DebugNub
64018 KillThisTurkey
64058 Quit
64118 CantSwap
64158 CAbort
1725208 StreamIO
66018 Rubout
66056 LineOverflow
1724146 SystemDisplay
72018 NotEnoughSpaceForDisplay
1723248 TimeConvert
76016 InvalidTime
1722346 NubControl
100016 Delete
100058 StringTooLong
100118 8adFile
100156 8adVersion
100216 6adNumber
100256 Done
1722108 Allocator
102016 TableOverflow
102058 TableFailure
1721008 Makelmage
112016 SwapTrapDuringMakelmage
112058 SwapErrorDuringMakelmage
112116 SwapOutDuringMakelmage
112158 NoRoomlnlmageMap
112218 InvalidlmageName