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Now downloading free:MAKITA DC1209-TE

MAKITA DC1209-TE free download

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Descr: MAKITA DC1209-TE.pdf
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T ECHNICAL INFORMATION New Tool For Models DC1209 Description Rapid charger CONCEPTION AND MAIN APPLICATIONS CONCEPTION AND MAIN APPLICATIONS New charger to be able to charge Batteries 7.2V~12V , rapidly in 9 minutes for the normal capacity and in 12 minutes for the high capacity. The same detective function for full charge as 68mm DC1215, + V,- V, thermostat are applied, so that the battery (2-11/16") life is kep to be equivalent to that of DC1215. 135 /16") (5- 5 mm mm 190 1/2") (7 - Specifications Voltage(V) Frequency(Hz) Consuming Power(VA) 100V 50/60Hz 250VA Capacity Charging time : 1.2Ah Battery approx. 9 min. 1.7Ah Battery approx. 12 min. Very light 1.0 kg ! Switching source system is applied. If you have inserted a hot battery just after use, it will begin charging Electronic buzzer automatically when the battery temperature has lowered. When charging has finished or unavailable, it informs you. Indication charging state with red/green lights. Indicates before charging/being charged/ charging completed/ waiting/ battery failure.. Corresponding to High capacity battery 1.2Ah battery( ordinary capacity )... Charging time: 9 min. 1.7Ah battery(high capacity)...Charging time: 12 min. Performance Relation between Charging time and Charging capacity Charging capacity(%) 100 1.2Ah battery 80 1.7Ah battery 60

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