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Now downloading free:Kyocera SB-2K3-0004-B031 1

Kyocera SB-2K3-0004-B031 1 free download

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File name:SB-2K3-0004-B031_1.pdf
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Original:SB-2K3-0004-B031 1 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-6025-6030MFP SERVICEBULLETINS SB-2K3-0004-B031_1.pdf
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File name SB-2K3-0004-B031_1.pdf

(Revised Issue 1) (Page.1/4) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2K3-0004 (B031) August 3, 2011 Change of the LVU Main PWB (Disuse of the AC-CUT Unit) Subject --- For 220V-240V only Model FS-6025MFP, FS-6025MFP/B, FS-6030MFP This time, the description with (-->) was revised from the previous information. The Serial Numbers of the Affected Machine were added. Topic The PARTS LVU MAIN 200 SP (No.1) was changed as follows for part procurement ease. Accordingly, some attention is required when replacing the parts. Please refer to [Field Measure] below. Content of Changes 1) Change of the LVU main PWB i) The discharger IC was added. ii) The capacitor (YC10) to supply the power to the AC-cut was changed to a jumper. iii) The constant of the discharger resistor was changed and the discharger resistor was abolished. 2) The AC-CUT unit, 3 pcs. of the access saddles and 2 pcs. of the cables were abolished that became unnecessary due to the changes above. [Disuse of the cables] (Connecting sections with the main PWB (YC106)) Cable to connect the AC-CUT unit with the main PWB abolished. Main PWB Abolished AC-CUT unit abolished A: From the machine inside Access saddles (x3) abolished A: To the machine rear side LVU main PWB Machine rear side Cable to connect the AC-CUT unit with the LVU main PWB abolished Com pati- Old Part New Part Q'ty bi lity No. No. No. Description Remarks Old New Old New 302K394120 302K394121 1 PARTS LVU

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