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Now downloading free:maxtor DiamondMax VL20

maxtor DiamondMax VL20 free download

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Original:DiamondMax VL20 🔎
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File name Maxtor DiamondMax VL20.PDF

R QUICKSPECS DiamondMax VL 20 Ultra DMA 66: Model Number Cyls Hds Sect Size GB Misc. Drive Info: 94091U8 16,383 16 63 40.9 GB NEVER enter more than 16,383 cylinders in the system 93071U6 16,383 16 63 30.7 GB BIOS. This may potentially cause data loss. 92561U5 16,383 16 63 25.6 GB GB = 1 billion bytes. Total accessible capacity varies 92041U4 16,383 16 63 20.4 GB depending on operating environment. 91731U4 16,383 16 63 17.3 GB For more information on cylinder limitations, BIOS, step- 91531U3 16,383 16 63 15.3 GB by-step installation procedures, troubleshooting procedures and more go to the Knowledge Base. 91361U3 16,383 16 63 13.6 GB 91021U2 16,383 16 63 10.2 GB 90841U2 16,383 16 63 8.4 GB 90651U2 12,495 16 63 6.5 GB Jumper Settings: (Master) - The vertical jumper over the J50 pins is configuring the drive as a Master. The horizontal jumper over the J48 and J46 pins is in the Storage position. (Master with CLJ) - The vertical jumper over the J50 pins is configuring the drive as a Master. The vertical jumper over the J46 pins is in the Cylinder Limitation position (CLJ). (Slave) - No jumper is required to configure the drive as a Slave. The jumpers over the J48, J46, J44 and J42 positions are both in the storage position. (Slave with CLJ) - The jumper over the J44 and J42 positions is in the storage position. The jumper over the J46 pins is in the Cylinder Limitation position (CLJ). (Cable Select) - The jumper over the J48 position is configuring the drive for Cable Select. The jumper over the J44 and J42 pins is in the storage position. (Cable Select with CLJ) - The jumper over t

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