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InterM PF9302 free download

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File name:InterM-PF9302 auto blower.pdf
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File name InterM-PF9302 auto blower.pdf

BLOWER A U T O PF-9302 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST ( PF - 9302) Ref No. Part No. Description Value Qty MAIN B'D D103 2058502180 DIODE ZENER UZ-18BM(1N5248B) ZD18BM 1 D104 2058502130 DIODE ZENER UZ-13BM(1N5243B) ZD13BM 1 D2 4438094610 DC TERMINAL 2P DC TERMINAL 2P 1 FAN1-2 4428595002 LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-02P CON/WAFER/2P 2 F101 5508411734 FUSE 218T 20MM 500MA/250V UCSK 500mA/250V 1 IC101 2118010590 IC NJM4558D JRC 4558D 1 D101 D105 2058100996 DIODE RECTIFIER LT1N4006(4007) 1N4006 2 RLY101 5528999700 RELAY 876AN2-2C-S 24VDC RY 2W-K 1 R101 R103 3009472973 RES CF 4.7K 1/5W J N 4.7K 2 R104-105 R108 3002100953 RES CF 10K 1/5W F N 10K/1% 3 R107 R106 3009473973 RES CF 47K 1/5W J N 47K 2 R109 3009564973 RES CF 560K 1/5W J N 560K 1 R110-112 R115 3009103973 RES CF 10K 1/5W J N 10K 4 R114 3009273973 RES CF 27K 1/5W J N 27K 1 R113 3009474973 RES CF 470K 1/5W J N 470K 1 R116 3009271973 RES CF 270 1/5W J N 270 1 R102 3039100472-T RES MO 10 1W J T 10/1W 1 R117 3039100572-F RES MO 10 2W J N 10/2W 1 Q101-102 2008606104-T TR NPN KTC3198-Y-AT TO-92 2SC3198 2 C101-102 3419547177 CAP E SD 470UF 50V (10P) 470/50 2 LD101 LED(RED) 1 R118 8.05K/1% 1 R119 536/1% 1 THD101 2K/1% 1 SW101 1 3003940953 RES CF 9.4K 1/5W F N 9.4K 1% 1 3003560953 RES CF 5.6K 1/5W F N 5.6K 1% 1

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