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LC-32LE63x LC-40LE63x 1st Edition LC-46LE63x SERVICE MANUAL Issued: 3rd June 2011 LED LCD COLOUR TELEVISION DVB-T / DVB-C (HDTV), PAL B/G, I / SECAM B/G, D/K, L/L' SYSTEM COLOUR TELEVISION MODELS LC-32LE630E LC-32LU630E LC-40LE630E LC-40LU630E LC-46LE630E LC-46LU630E LC-32LX630E LC-32LE630RU LC-40LX630E LC-40LE630RU LC-46LX630E LC-46LE630RU LC-32LU632E LC-32LE632E LC-40LU632E LC-40LE632E LC-32LX632E LC-46LE632E LC-40LX632E In the interests of user safety (required by safety regulations in some countries) the set should be re- stored to its original condition and only parts identical to those specified should be used. CONTENTS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ... 2 IMPORTANT SERVICE SAFETY

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