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Now downloading free:JBL DSC-400 distortion SB 2002-001

JBL DSC-400 distortion SB 2002-001 free download

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Service Bulletin Service bulletin # JBL2002-001 February 2002 To: all JBL Service Centers Models: DSC 400 Sub Subject: Distortion In the event, you receive a DSC 400 SUB with the complaint: Distortion in some music passages. The muting level will in some cases add distortion to the sound. To solve this change resistor R34 from 3K3 to 2K2 on Main Amp board. Part needed: 1 resistor 2k2 1. Remove the amp module by removing the 10 screws around the heatsink. And place the unit as showed in picture 1. Picture 1 : ready for rework Picture 2: shows the place to unsolder the resistor 2. Remove resistor R34 ; see picture 2 3. Add the new resistor ( The easy way to place the resistor is to put it on the solder side ) 4. Assemble the unit and test the sound and the features. Harman International SNC - Harman Consumer International 2, route de Tours 72500 Ch

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