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Now downloading free:TOSHIBA toshiba 2563db-2863db-chassis-c6sr

TOSHIBA toshiba 2563db-2863db-chassis-c6sr free download

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Model:toshiba 2563db-2863db-chassis-c6sr 🔎
Original:toshiba 2563db-2863db-chassis-c6sr 🔎
Descr: TOSHIBA TV 2563DB chassis C6SR toshiba_2563db-2863db-chassis-c6sr.pdf
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TOSHIBA 2563 DB 1 General Information FOCUS ADJUSTMENT Adjust FOCUS Control on FLYBACK TRANS. Electrical Adjustment (T461) for well defined scanning lines in the MODEL NAME: C6SR centre area on the screen. C6SR Chassis Circuit name: VIDEO/CHROMA Also Covers PAL MATRIX ADJUSTMENT 1. Tune in the colour programme of the Philips Adjustment Name Setting Input signal Measurement Instrument Adjustment procedure Adjustment standard parts point 2863 DB pattern. R551 PAL matrix PHILIPS Q501 Synchroscope Adjust (Same as Current) 2. Set the COLOUR Control to obtain the proper VR (amplitude) Pattern 62 pin IH-DL ADJ VR (R551) E= 1+A colour.

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