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Now downloading free:Icom IC706MKIIG

Icom IC706MKIIG free download

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KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database and Manuals Please read this information, so you'll know how to help me, and make this site better. If you have any new modifications that are not listed on this site, please mail the modification to me. Any technical information like manuals, service notes, service manual, diagrams or other stuff, I will be very happy if you will send it to me. If the information is on paper and you have access to a scanner or camera, then scan or photograph the information and send the picture to me. I have a good connection to the internet, so the size is no problem. KB2LJJ Privacy Guarantee I will not give any guaranty on the radio modification. Remember it is Illegal to transmit out of band. The Radio Modification is for Informational purposes ONLY. Doing such modifications on your radio may void any warranty and damage your equipment. All mods found on this database are offered by other amateur radio hams or captured by the Packet system. KB2LJJ takes no responsibility or liability for any damage done resulting from any modification. For more information please email to [email protected] Page 1 SERVICE MANUAL HF/VHF/UHF ALL MODE TRANSCEIVER i706MKTMG INTRODUCTION DANGER This service manual describes the latest service information NEVER connect the transceiver to an AC outlet or to a DC for the IC-706MKIIG HF/VHF/UHF ALL MODE TRANS- power supply that uses more than 16 V. This will ruin the CEIVER at the time of publication. transceiver. VERSION NO. VERSION SYMBOL DO NOT expose the transceiver to rain, snow or any liquids. #02, #12 Europe EUR DO NOT reverse the polarities of the power supply when con- #03, #13 France FRA necting the transceiver. #04, #14 Spain ESP DO NOT apply an RF signal of more than 20 dBm (100 mW) #05, #15 U.S.A. USA to the antenna connector. This could damage the trans- #08, #18 Other OTH ceiver's front end. To upgrade quality, any electrical or mechanical parts and internal circuits are subject to change without notice or obligation. ORDERING PARTS REPAIR NOTES Be sure to include the following four points when ordering 1. Make sure a problem is internal before disassembling the replacement parts: transceiver.

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