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Found: 527
AiwaCXZR800KAt sw on relay clicks "DEMO" displayed then dead - keeps repeatingCheck 2 x 2SK2723 FETs on sound o/p heatsink14-09-04
B & OLZ5000 3766Won't work on batt - ok on mainsAux sw behind mains sw contacts needed resetting - make sure battery supply is adequate14-09-04

Beko6BZ190-11Dead - psu burn upIC901 MC44603, T901 FET P3NA60 use 2SK2545, R911 1k14-09-04
Bush28ZFK WST66Dead set. TP2 (FET) Blown and also diode in bridge rectifier cct.Fit new FET(I fitted a BUZ91 type instead of a P4NA80FI) and IN4007 diode in bridge cct14-09-04
Bush28ZKF Orion 4400Dead with faulty on/off swDry joints also LOPTr S2000AF s/c & LOPTx from SEME LOPTX1277 at ?18.95 Part S065621409 14-09-04
Bush28ZKFWST66Blank rasterCheck TP6 BD441 5v reg, dry joints chopper trfmr14-09-04
BushWST66 28ZKFTrips once then dead - LOPTr S2000AF1 s/cLOPTx cause - FAT30564 ?19.38 SEME14-09-04
BushZ718Channel selector stuck on prog.ET6016 , 1R1106.14-09-04
BushZ718East west - poor & bent verticals.4VT16.14-09-04
BushZ718LOPTX keeps going.5C3 ( 0u 01f )14-09-04
BushZ718No signals on log.r channels.ET601614-09-04
BushZ718Tuning - drift.9Z1.614-09-04
CrownCTZ9002Rst/by onlyPri HT at chopper tr - R320 120k 1/4w in psu o/c14-09-04
CrownCTZ9009RE/W fault & width variesScan coils14-09-04
De GraffD59HZ5Dead - both green leds flashingLow serial data line at micro. When serial data pin of MC44130P sound proc chip dis'd set came on without sound - sound chip proc u/s14-09-04
FidelityZX1410DeadD21 SC BY29914-09-04
FidelityZX1410Weak contrast with no controlC96 0µ1 50v in beam lim14-09-04
FidelityZX1415Dead - BUT11A s/c.Replace IC8 ( UC3844N ) , check R110 , R115.14-09-04
FidelityZX1415Dead - fuse Ok.Drys or broken print at TR4.14-09-04
FidelityZX1415Int frame collapseD25 INT OC14-09-04
FidelityZX1415No sound or raster - Ht Ok.TR5 ( BC558 )14-09-04

FidelityZX1415Will not store channels.Select channel number with remote after pressing store button.14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Channels - will not go to ch 3.IC ML923 tuning chip.14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Dark picture.C412 ( 100pf ) leaky.14-09-04
FidelityZX2000deadPulsing 7v at ZD5 12v zener; R801 18k 8w o/c14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Dead - blowing chopper transistor.R826 ( 39R ) goes high.14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Dead - fuse's ok.Droper R801 ( 18k ) o/c , chopper transistor , D24 ( RGP15J )14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Dead - tripping.IC TDA2581.14-09-04
FidelityZX2000Frame - foldover & lack of height.C706.14-09-04
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