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Now downloading free:maxtor DiamondMax VL20 II

maxtor DiamondMax VL20 II free download

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File name:Maxtor DiamondMax VL20 II.PDF
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Model:DiamondMax VL20 II 🔎
Original:DiamondMax VL20 II 🔎
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File name Maxtor DiamondMax VL20 II.PDF

5,400 RPM 3.5-INCH HIGH- PERFORMANCE HARD DRIVES Capacities up to 20 GB Designed for Entry-level Systems and Consumer Electronics Applications Announcing the new DiamondMaxTM VL 20 (Value Line) series from Maxtor. FEATURES: These 1- and 2-disk products are expressly designed for entry-level commercial systems Fast ATA/Enhanced IDE compatible and consumer electronics applications where disk storage value is paramount. Available Digital Signal Processor in capacities up to 20 GB, the VL series provides the proven quality and reliability of (DSP)-Based Architecture the original DiamondMax products and includes Maxtor's innovative ShockBlockTM and UltraDMA 66 MaxSafeTM feature set for added reliability and superior protection from shock and damage. Data Transfer Rate An UltraDMA 66 interface, 512 KB cache buffer and 9.5 ms seek performance come 512 KB SDRAM standard on all VL products.When your application requires a cost effective storage device, Cache Buffer choose the leader of innovative storage products

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