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Now downloading free:HP 13255-91018 Keyboard Module Aug76

HP 13255-91018 Keyboard Module Aug76 free download

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Model:13255-91018 Keyboard Module Aug76 🔎
Original:13255-91018 Keyboard Module Aug76 🔎
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File name 13255-91018_Keyboard_Module_Aug76.pdf

HP 13:l55 Manual Part No. 13~55-Yt018 PPINTF.O AlIG-Ol-16 DATA TERMINAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION HEWLETT~PACKARD Printed in U.S.A. 13255 13255-9101~/02 KeVboard ~odule Rev AUG-Ot-76 1.0 INTRODUCTION. The ~eyhoard ~odule provides direct data entrY 1.nto the terminal by the terminal operator. 2.0 OP~RATING PARaMFTERS. A summary of oper~t1nq parameters for the Keyboard Module is contalne~ in tables 1.0 throuah 6.4. Tablp 1.0 Physical Parameters --------------------------------------------------------------------------------I ----------------~-----------~---------------~-----------------------~----------- Part 1 (L x W x D) ~ize I Weight Number' ~omenclature +1-0.1.00 Inches I (Pounds) I =============1============================== ----------------------- --------- 0264~-6001R , ~evboard peA 16.8 x 7.1 x 2.1 2.7" I 02640-6001 0 , , Kevboard IntPrface peA 12.9 x 4.0 x 0.5 0.3~ 02640-60030 GP Keyboard Assembly N/A N/A 02640-60041 Speaker Cablp ASSembly N/A N/A O:i640-60081 Kevboard cable A~sernhlY N/A N/A 02640-60091 CYrillic Keyhoard Assembly ~i 1A N/A 02640-6Ql0C:; $wedish Kevboard Assemblv N/A N/A 0264fl-60113 ~orNeqian Keyboard Assemblv N/A N/A O;lf;40-60114 rvrillic Keycao ~ssembly ~/A N/A 02640-tl014'i ?640R ~eyboard A~spmhlv N/A N/A ?'644~ Keyboard Assemblv N/A N/A 02645-60001 2645A Keyboard Assemhlv N/A N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------~-------------~-----~ --------~ Number of Backplane Slots Required: ----------------------------~------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------~------------------------- ----

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