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Now downloading free:Keithley PA876B(Model4500 ILK KIT 1)

Keithley PA876B(Model4500 ILK KIT 1) free download

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4500-ILK-KIT-1 Keithley Instruments, Inc. 28775 Aurora Road User's Guide Cleveland, Ohio 44139 (440) 248-0400 This kit contains a mating connector and housing for wiring according to the interlock application. This connector mates to the 451x-QIVC card interlock connector (Figure 1). CAUTION When wiring to the pins of the interlock connector, ensure that all signals are properly insulated from the connector shell or chassis. Failure to do so may result in shorting the +5V signal to ground, which will result in system damage. Figure 1 451x-QIVC card interlock connector Table 1 Interlock cable terminal designations 14-Pin cable Signal description connector 1 +5VD (+5V digital supply) 2 DIAG

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