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HP 2000A LoaderListing free download

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PAGE 0001 #01 12:13 PM TUE., 23 OCT., 1979 0001 ASMB,A,B,C,L 2000A TSB LOADER--VERSION F ** NO ERRORS PASS#l **RTE ASHB 92067-16011** PAGE 0002 #01 12:13 PM. TUE., 23 OCT., 1979 0001 ASMB,A,B,C,L ?OOOA ~SB LOADER--VERSION F 0002* 0003* AUGUST 1, 1970 0004* 0005 00004 ORG 4 0006 SUP PRESS EXTRA PRINTING 0007 00004 103004 HLT 4,C LOADER POWER FAIL HALT PAGE 0003 #01 12:13 PM TUE. , 23 OCT. , 1979 EQUIPMENT TABLE 0009 00100 ORG 1008 0010 00100 000000 DIREC BSS 28 DIRECTORY TRACK HEADERS 0011 00134 000000 IDT..IOC f\SS 1 10 TASLE DISC .A.DORESS 0012 00135 000000 TDLE~1 SSS 1 ID TABLE LENGTH IN -WORDS 0013 00136 000000 ADLOC BSS 1 ADT DISC ADDRESS 0014 00137 000000 ADLEN ass 1 ADT LENGTH IN -WORDS 0015 00140 000000 TRAX ass 16 AVAILABLE TRACK TABLE 0016 00160 000000 DTBL SSS 4 DISC SELECT CODE TABLE 0017 00164 OOOOnO MAGSC SSS 1 MAG TAPE SELF.CT CODE 0018 00165 000000 PHNSC SS5 1 PHONES SELECT CODE PAGE 0004 #01 12:13 PM rUE., 23 OCT., 1979 LOADER ENTRY POINTS 0020* 0021** NORMAL ENTRY POINT * 0022* ** 0023 02000 ORG 2000B * 0024 02000 126001 ~MP *+1,1 JU~P TO 0025 02001 004000 OCT 4000 [,OADER 0027* 0028** NON-SLEEP RELOAD ENTRY POINT * 0029* ** 0030 03000 ORG 3000B * 0031 03000 107100 CLC O,C 0032 03001 127002 JMP *+l,I 0033 03002 004122 DEF LDR6 0035 03003 r.fTRLT EQU * SYSTEM SEGMENT TABLE BUfFER [~] 0037* 0038** LOADER-SYSTEM LINKAGE TABLE * ** 0039* 0040* * 0041* CONTENTS FILLED IN FROM TSB SYSTEM TAPE ON PAPER TAPE LOADS, 0042* FROM MAG TAPE ON MAG TAPE LOADS. 0043* 0044 04000 ORG 4000B 0045 04000 026030 JMP LDR INITIATE LOADING SEQUENCE 0046 04001 LSLTB EQU * 0047 0400l 000000 LIBRA OCT 0 SYSTEM LIBRARY PROGRAM OR1GIN[E] 0048 04002 000000 COM6 sss 1 ADDRESS OF SYSTEM LIBRARY DISC 0049* ADDRESSES 0050 04003 000000 INCRF. BSS 1 LENGTH OF TTY TABLE 0051 04004 000000 TTYDA 8SS 1 ADDRESS OF USER DISC ADDRESS 0052 04005 000000 ?MASK BSS 1 ADDRESS OF USER MASK 0053 04006 oooono ?BHED BSS t => START OF LOGICAL BUFFER 0054 04007 000000 ?BSTR BSS 1 => END OF LOGICAL BUFFER 0055 04010 000000 ?BG1N BSS 1 => START O~ PHYSICAL BUFFER 0056 04011 000000 ?BF.ND BSS 1 => END OF PHYSICAL BUFFER 0

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