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Now downloading free:Keithley KPCMCIA-8AO Series DS

Keithley KPCMCIA-8AO Series DS free download

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Descr: Keithley KPCI KPCMCIA-8AO_Series_DS.pdf
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KPCMCIA-8AO 8-Channel, 12-Bit Bipolar or Series Unipolar Analog Output Boards The KPCMCIA-8AOU and -8AOB are 12-bit, 8-channel analog output PCMCIA cards for use with notebook and other PCs equipped with a PCMCIA port. These cards are capable of updating multiple outputs simultaneously under software control or with an external event. Programmable output voltage for control applications These cards are designed to support control applications that require a pro- grammable output voltage, such as dynamic calibration, driving x-y tables, driving strip chart recorders, controlling pressure valves, etc. Both cards feature two 4-channel D/A converters (quad DACs) and 12-bit reso- lution, and they can deliver up to 1mA per channel of output current. The cards offer eight TTL-compatible digital I/O channels. The cards provide external interrupt inputs to the PC's CPU. They also pro- vide an onboard event timer to interrupt the CPU at software programmable time intervals, allowing the cards to be used as arbitrary waveform synthesiz- ers. The interrupt latency under Windows could limit the waveform update rate. The maximum update rate allowed by the hardware is 100kHz. Use of

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