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Now downloading free:HP 27113-90001 27113A CIO HPIB Installation Aug87

HP 27113-90001 27113A CIO HPIB Installation Aug87 free download

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MANUAL UPDATE MANUAL IDENTIFICATION UPDATE IDENTIFICATION Title: HP 27113A CIO/HPIB Channel Card Update Number: I (August) 987) Installation and Configuration Manual This update also includes: Part Number: 27113-90001 none This Update Goes With: Edition I (July 1987) THE PURPOSE OF THIS MANUAL UPDATE is to provide new information for your manual to bring it up to date. This is important because it ensures that your manual accurately docnments the current version of the product. THIS UPDATE CONSISTS OF this cover sheet, a printing history page (if any), any replacement pages, and write-in instructions (if any). Replacement pages are identified by the update number at the bottom of the page. A vertical line (change bar) in the outside margin indicates new or changed text material. The change bar is not used for typographical or editorial changes that do not affect the content of the text. TO UPDATE YOUR MANUAL identify the latest update (if any) already contained in your manual by referring to the printing history page. Incorporate only the updates from this packet not already included in your manual. Folilowing the instructions on the back of this page, replace existing pages with the update pages and inscert new pages as indicated. If any page is changed in two or more updates, such as the printing history page which is furnished new for each update, only the latest page will be included in the update package. Destroy all replaced pages. If write-in instructions are included they are listed on the back of this page. HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 27113-90001 RO$eville Networks Division U0887 8000 Foothills Boulevard Update 1 RO$eville, California 95678 August 1987 U-I TECHNICAL MANUAL UPDATE (27113-90001) Note that "*" a changed page. UPDATE DESCRIPTION 1 A. Replace the following pages with new attached: Title*/2 3*/blank 1-1*/1-2 U-2 HP 3000 Computer Family, Series 900 HP 27113A CIO/HP-IB Channel Card Installation and Configuration Manual Card Assembly 27113-60301 FfJDW HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD

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